Want To Stop Your Divorce? Here’s How

Feb 17


Matt D Murren

Matt D Murren

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The reasons for a divorce are sometimes not always clear. It could be a cheating spouse, or that your husband/wife simply are not happy in the marriage any longer. If you are not ready for your marriage to be over, there are ways to try and save it.

Dealing with divorce is a terrible thing that most people simply are not prepared to do.  The reasons for a divorce are sometimes not always clear.  It could be a cheating spouse,Want To Stop Your Divorce?  Here’s How Articles or that your husband/wife simply are not happy in the marriage any longer.  If you are not ready for your marriage to be over, there are ways to try and save it.  Following these steps will show you how to stop a divorce and may even make your marriage stronger than before.

Step One:  Don’t Whine

The possibility of divorce is traumatic and it will only make matters worse if you put up a stink and whine and cry about what is happening.  Your spouse may not be happy with your attitude lately and simply cannot take it anymore.  Showing him/her more attitude about the divorce will only confirm that they made the right decision and will continue with the proceedings.  Of course, you will still be upset and should tell your spouse that you are not happy with what is happening but that you are willing to work on it if they postpone the divorce proceedings until you have exhausted all efforts to save the marriage.

Step Two:  Off the Therapy You Go

Marriage counseling can be a very therapeutic thing for some couples.  Others find it annoying and tedious to air all of their dirty laundry to a complete stranger.  However, even if you are a more introverted person, you and your spouse should at least give counseling a try.  Go in with an open mind and fully prepared to talk about your feelings.  You may be surprised to find how much it helps you and your marriage in the long run.

Step Three:  Things are Not Always as They Seem

If your spouse has moved out, but the divorce is not final, put on a happy face.  Act as if this new found freedom that you were handed was the best gift you have ever received.  Act as happy as a clam when you see or speak to your spouse.  Inside you may be crying, but don’t let it show on the outside.  Your spouse will wonder why you are so happy now that the relationship is over and he/she may want to reconsider.  If they do, it may give you a chance to keep that happy-go-lucky attitude and give you a whole new outlook on life and your marriage as well.

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