The Inaugural Edition of The Bogside Artists Newsletter

Apr 26


The Bogside  Artists

The Bogside Artists

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Catch a glimpse into the vibrant world of The Bogside Artists with our first newsletter! We're here not to clutter your inbox but to enrich it with engaging stories, historical snippets, and updates on our mural projects in Derry. Dive into the lives of the artists and the spirited community of Bogside without the usual digital fluff.


Meet The Bogside Artists

Who Are The Bogside Artists?

The Bogside Artists are a trio known for their striking murals in Derry,The Inaugural Edition of The Bogside Artists Newsletter Articles Northern Ireland. This group comprises Kevin Hasson, Tom Kelly, and William Kelly, who have dedicated their artistic talents to depicting the cultural and historical essence of their hometown. Each artist brings a unique background and perspective to the collective, enriching their community-focused projects.

Kevin Hasson

Kevin's journey in art began in his youth, influenced by his father's creativity. His experiences abroad, including a significant stint in Calcutta, profoundly shaped his worldview and artistic direction. Upon returning to Derry, he reconnected with Tom, sharing a common passion for art and community service.

Tom Kelly

Tom has spent most of his life in Bogside, deeply involved in community work through his leadership in the Wellspring church. His commitment to exploring Irish culture and its intersections with Christian values is evident in his art and community projects. Tom is also a talented musician, contributing to the cultural fabric of Derry through his music.

William Kelly

William's academic pursuits took him from St. Columb's College to Queens University, and eventually to England. However, his heart remained tied to Derry, leading him back to join forces with his brother and Kevin. William's love for reading and painting keeps him busy, splitting his time between Ireland and Australia.

A Glimpse into Derry's Rich History

The Origins of Derry

Derry, or Londonderry, is a city with a rich historical tapestry. The name 'Derry' comes from the old Irish word "daire," which means oak grove—a sacred site for the ancient Celts. Over the centuries, Derry evolved from a monastic settlement established by Saint Colmcille in the 6th century into a vibrant urban center. The city's historical and cultural significance is reflected in the Bogside Artists' murals, which capture the spirit and transformations of this unique locale.

Editorial Insights

In this section, we share our thoughts and perspectives on the role of art in society. Our collective vision extends beyond creating murals; we aim to foster understanding and unity within our community through our artistic endeavors. Stay tuned for more in-depth discussions in future editions on our website.

On the Grapevine

Community Funding Challenges

Recent changes in community funding have impacted many local groups, including ours. Despite these challenges, we remain committed to our projects and the community of Derry. We believe in the power of art to transcend financial constraints and continue to seek support from those who share our vision.

Our Diary: Upcoming Projects

We are excited to announce the commencement of three new murals starting at the end of May. These additions to our open-air gallery will further enrich the cultural landscape of Bogside. Follow our progress in this newsletter, where we'll share behind-the-scenes insights and the stories that inspire our work.

Useful Websites

Join us as we continue to paint, create, and inspire through our murals and stories. Your support and interest motivate us to keep enhancing the cultural fabric of Derry. Here's to many more updates and shared experiences—welcome to The Bogside Artists' community!

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