Thinking and Governing From Principle

Apr 26


Dr. Marlene McMillan

Dr. Marlene McMillan

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Principles are the bedrock of governance, providing direction, stability, and a framework for societal development. A nation's trajectory is profoundly influenced by its foundational principles, which should ideally promote liberty and justice. However, the challenge lies in maintaining these principles amidst the shifting sands of political, social, and economic change. This article explores the critical role of principles in governance and the consequences of deviating from them.


The Essence of Principles in Governance

Principles are more than mere guidelines; they are the core pillars that uphold the structure of a nation. Without a solid foundation of principles,Thinking and Governing From Principle Articles a government lacks direction, support, and stability. The ability of a government to operate from a principled standpoint is intrinsically linked to its citizens' capacity to think and act based on these fundamental truths.

Historical Context and Modern Implications

The founding fathers of the United States established the nation on principles that were considered universal and timeless. These included the belief that rights are endowed by a Creator, the importance of personal and communal responsibility, the pursuit of equality of opportunity (rather than outcome), and the indivisibility of liberty and justice for all. According to the Pew Research Center, a significant portion of Americans believe that these founding principles are still relevant today, indicating a strong attachment to these foundational ideas.

However, over the years, there has been a noticeable drift from these principles, with immediate issues often overshadowing long-standing values. This shift has led to various societal challenges that could potentially be mitigated by a recommitment to foundational principles.

The Power of Universal Principles

Principles like liberty are not confined by geographical or cultural boundaries; they are universal truths that can be applied globally. Governments that embrace these principles tend to promote freedom and prosperity, while those that operate on flawed premises often result in oppression and discord. For instance, the principle of equality could have preemptively addressed historical injustices such as slavery and discrimination if it had been universally applied and upheld.

The Impact of Forgetting Foundational Principles

When a society overlooks its foundational principles, it risks eroding the very freedoms and rights it seeks to protect. Key questions arise about the collective memory and respect for these principles:

  • Do citizens recognize and take responsibility for their actions both personally and collectively?
  • Is there a widespread belief that rights are inherent and not granted by the government?
  • How strongly do citizens hold to the truths of absolute morality and liberty?

Rediscovering these principles could lead to profound societal healing and improvement. For example, embracing the principle of human dignity could universally outlaw practices like torture and unjust treatment.

Principles as Societal Anchors

Think of principles as the fence posts in the fabric of society. They provide stability, direction, and reference points. Everything else within a society—the laws, policies, and daily interactions—hangs on these posts. While the elements in between might change or break, the principles stand firm, guiding the nation.

Educational Imperative

For principles to be effectively upheld, they must be ingrained through education and cultural reinforcement. A society that teaches and lives by clear, principled guidelines fosters a healthy, stable environment. This educational process is crucial for cultivating a citizenry capable of both understanding and acting upon these principles, thereby ensuring that governance remains true to its foundational ideals.

Conclusion: The Call to Rediscover Liberty

The preservation of liberty and the principles upon which it stands is not just a governmental duty but a personal one as well. Each individual plays a role in either the sustainment or the erosion of these values. It is imperative for current and future generations to deeply understand and embrace the principles of liberty, to ensure that they, and the freedoms they cherish, endure.

In conclusion, the health of a society and the effectiveness of its government are directly tied to the principles they uphold. As history has shown, principles are not just theoretical concepts but practical guides that, when followed, lead to a more just and free society. Rediscovering and reaffirming these principles is essential for any nation aiming to thrive in an ever-changing world.