Faith is Not Easy, but You Can Have it!

Apr 26


Charli Pickett

Charli Pickett

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Summary: Faith often seems as elusive as a butterfly, yet it's attainable and can be sustained. This article explores the challenges and rewards of developing faith, using biblical references and practical advice to guide you on how to nurture and maintain your faith through life's trials and tribulations.


Understanding and Cultivating Faith

Faith is a profound cornerstone in many lives,Faith is Not Easy, but You Can Have it! Articles providing strength and guidance through uncertain times. However, cultivating and maintaining faith is not a straightforward task—it requires dedication, understanding, and often, a significant transformation of one’s mindset and actions.

The Nature of Faith

According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is described as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This biblical definition highlights faith as a confident expectation in what we do not see. The challenge, therefore, lies in believing in the unseen and trusting in the outcomes that are not immediately visible.

The Challenge of Change

Change is an integral part of developing faith. It can be as challenging as physical training, where just as muscles ache and adapt, so too must our spiritual resilience. Embracing change, especially when it involves deep-seated beliefs or habits, is often uncomfortable and requires considerable mental and spiritual effort.

Practical Steps to Strengthen Faith

  1. Embrace God’s Word: Like Abraham, who in Romans 4:17 "called things that are not, as though they were," embracing the promises and teachings found in the Scriptures is crucial.
  2. Recognize God in the Small Things: Building faith starts with acknowledging and seeing God’s hand in even the minor aspects of our lives.
  3. Reflect on Past Experiences: Recalling times when you've felt God's presence or help can reinforce your faith. Each experience acts as a building block for a stronger foundation.

The Role of Trials and Tribulations

Trials are not merely obstacles; they are opportunities for growth. Each challenge presents a chance to practice faith and to witness the fulfillment of God’s promises. Over time, these experiences accumulate, strengthening your faith foundation.

The Unchanging Nature of God

A key aspect of sustaining faith is the recognition of God’s unchanging nature. As stated in Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." This constancy is a bedrock for faith; knowing that God’s character and His promises remain steadfast provides immense comfort and assurance.

Faith in Action

Putting faith into action involves more than passive belief; it requires active participation and a willingness to trust in God’s plan, even when the path is unclear. This active engagement is what turns theoretical faith into a dynamic and influential force in our lives.


While faith is not easy to develop or maintain, it is certainly within reach. By understanding its nature, embracing necessary changes, and recognizing God’s unchanging presence, believers can fortify their faith. Remember, the journey of faith is continuous, and each step, no matter how small, is significant.

For further reading on the nature of faith and its impact, consider exploring resources such as Desiring God or Christianity Today.

By integrating these insights and practices, you can develop a resilient faith that not only endures but flourishes, regardless of the circumstances you face.

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