Is He Willing? Understanding God's Promises and Our Self-Worth

Apr 26


Michael A. Verdicchio

Michael A. Verdicchio

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Understanding and accepting God's unconditional love and the righteousness granted through Christ can profoundly influence our belief in God's willingness to fulfill His promises personally. This realization can transform our spiritual confidence and deepen our faith.


The Power and Willingness of God

God's Omnipotence Acknowledged

Christians universally affirm God's omnipotence. The belief that God can fulfill His promises and that nothing is too challenging for Him is widely accepted among believers. According to a Pew Research Center study,Is He Willing? Understanding God's Promises and Our Self-Worth Articles a vast majority of Christians in the United States (about 80%) say they believe in the God of the Bible, implicitly endorsing His omnipotence (Pew Research Center).

Doubting God's Personal Commitment

However, the real struggle often lies in believing that God is willing to act on our behalf individually. This doubt can stem from feelings of unworthiness or a misguided belief that our actions influence God's willingness to help us. A survey by Barna Group revealed that while many Christians readily accept God's power, fewer are confident in His personal concern for their individual lives, with only about 58% feeling assured of His personal attention to their prayers (Barna Group).

The Root of Our Doubts

The Issue of Unworthiness

Many believers wrestle with feelings of being undeserving of God's blessings, often questioning what they have done to earn such favor. This mindset is frequently linked to a sin-conscious attitude, where one's focus is more on personal shortcomings than on divine grace.

Misunderstanding Righteousness

A significant number of Christians mistakenly equate their worthiness with their actions. This belief contradicts the fundamental Christian doctrine of salvation by grace through faith, not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9). The completed work of Christ, not our actions, establishes our righteousness before God.

The Impact of Right Understanding

Accepting Unconditional Love

Scripture is clear that nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). This divine love is not conditional on our actions or behaviors. Understanding this can liberate us from the guilt and shame that often cloud our relationship with God.

Embracing Our Righteousness in Christ

Righteousness in the biblical sense is about being in a right standing with God, justified by faith and not by deeds. Recognizing this can significantly affect our self-esteem and spiritual life, making us more confident in approaching God with our needs and desires.

Conclusion: Believing in God's Willingness

To fully trust in God's promises, we must not only believe in His ability but also in His willingness to act on our behalf. This belief is rooted in understanding our inherent worthiness through Christ's righteousness. By embracing this truth, we can approach God with confidence, knowing that we are loved and that He is indeed willing to fulfill His promises to us.

In summary, while many Christians do not doubt God's power, the challenge often lies in accepting His willingness to intervene personally. This acceptance is crucial for a deeper, more trusting relationship with God. Understanding and believing in the unconditional love and righteousness offered through Christ can transform our spiritual lives and increase our faith in God's personal commitment to us.
