The Gift of the Divine Will: God's Plan for Supreme Happiness

Apr 26


Frank J Albas

Frank J Albas

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Do you yearn for a life intertwined with the Divine, filled with unending joy and peace? The concept of living in God's Divine Will offers a transformative vision of happiness, where human actions align with divine purpose, mirroring the bliss of saints in Heaven. This spiritual journey promises a life of heavenly peace on Earth, engaging in acts that are continuously divine rather than merely human.


Understanding the Divine Will

The Original Intention for Humanity

God's original plan for humanity was to live in a state of perfect harmony and happiness,The Gift of the Divine Will: God's Plan for Supreme Happiness Articles as exemplified by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They enjoyed preternatural gifts such as immunity from suffering, infused knowledge, and the absence of sin. Clothed in divine light, they lived in a state of sanctifying grace, performing every act in God's Holy Will, which imbued their actions with infinite value and love.

The Supreme Gift: Living in God's Will

The most precious gift bestowed upon Adam and Eve was the Divine Will itself. This gift involved a profound union of wills, where humanity's will aligns with the Divine. In this state, God does not just reside mystically in the soul but is actively present, governing all actions and decisions, much like His presence in the Holy Eucharist.

The Fall and Redemption

The Test of Divine Love

Despite the idyllic start, the fall of Adam and Eve marked a pivotal moment. God's test of obedience — not to eat the fruit from a specific tree — was failed, leading to the loss of Divine Will and all associated gifts. This fall from grace introduced suffering, ignorance, and moral corruption into human experience.

God's Plan for Restoration

God's redemptive plan unfolded with the coming of Jesus Christ, referred to as the new Adam, who, through His life, death, and resurrection, opened the path to reclaim the Divine Will. This plan was mirrored by the Virgin Mary, the new Eve, whose cooperation was crucial in the redemption process. It took prayers and sacrifices spanning thousands of years before this restoration could be initiated.

Luisa Piccarreta and the New Era of Grace

Nearly six millennia after creation, God chose Luisa Piccarreta, a devout virgin, to reintroduce the gift of the Divine Will to humanity. At the age of 24, Luisa received this gift and became the herald of a new era of grace. Through her, Jesus communicated extensive teachings on living in the Divine Will, compiled in 36 volumes of writings.

Steps to Living in the Divine Will

To live in the Divine Will, one must:

  1. Desire the Gift: Cultivate a deep, sincere desire to live in Divine Will.
  2. Acquire Knowledge: Study and meditate on the teachings found in Luisa's writings.
  3. Make a Firm Decision: Commit to living solely in the Divine Will, renouncing the human will.

Daily Practice: Prevenient and Actual Acts

Each day begins with the Prevenient Act, aligning oneself with Jesus and setting the intention to live all actions of the day in the Divine Will. Throughout the day, each action is offered as an Actual Act in the Divine Will, continuously merging human will with the Divine.

Rounds in the Divine Will

A profound method of living in the Divine Will is through the Rounds of the Divine Will, a form of prayer that involves spiritually traversing all works of Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification. This practice gathers and returns to God all divine qualities embedded in creation as acts of love, adoration, and thanksgiving.

The Permanent Gift of the Divine Will

Initially, the Divine Will is granted temporarily, with each act. Over time, as trust is established through consistent divine acts, the gift is given permanently, transforming all actions into divine acts. This fulfillment of God's creation plan enables humanity to live in the order and purpose originally intended, perpetually glorifying God through acts of eternal value.

In conclusion, the journey into living in the Divine Will is a transformative process that aligns human existence with divine purpose, offering a life of eternal peace and happiness. This spiritual path, detailed in the teachings given to Luisa Piccarreta, invites all to partake in the divine harmony originally intended for humanity.