The Time is Now for Enlightened Civilization

Apr 26


B. Weiser

B. Weiser

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Summary: Exploring the concept of an Enlightened Civilization, this article delves into the transformative potential of conscious awareness and choice in society. By understanding life as a dynamic 'dream,' we uncover the power of waking up within it, thereby fostering a society where enlightenment is not just possible but encouraged.


Understanding Enlightened Civilization

Enlightened Civilization may sound like a utopian concept,The Time is Now for Enlightened Civilization Articles yet it is deeply rooted in the practical application of consciousness and choice. This civilization is not about a society where everyone is perpetually in a state of blissful self-awareness, but rather a society that offers the tools and knowledge for individuals to achieve enlightenment if they choose to do so.

The Role of Choice in Society

The essence of an Enlightened Civilization lies in the availability and accessibility of choice. In contrast to our current societal structures, which often limit personal and collective growth, an Enlightened Civilization promotes an environment where every individual has the knowledge and means to pursue a higher state of consciousness. This is not to say that everyone must become enlightened, but rather that the option is there, openly and equally accessible to all.

The Dream Paradigm

To better understand the concept of an Enlightened Civilization, consider life as a dream. This analogy helps illustrate several key shifts in our understanding:

  1. Awareness of the Dream: Recognizing that life, like a dream, is a creation of our consciousness.
  2. Potential for Awakening: Realizing that we can 'wake up' within this dream, gaining control over its content and direction.
  3. Learning to Dream Consciously: Understanding that we can actively shape our dream-life through conscious choices and actions.

The Dynamics of the Dream

In the 'dream' of our current reality, many are unaware that they are dreaming, which restricts their ability to control their life's direction. This lack of awareness is a primary factor in societal stagnation. By shifting our perception and recognizing life as a dream from which we can awaken, we empower ourselves to take responsibility for our realities.

The Trap of Irresponsibility

Irresponsibility in this context refers to the tendency to blame external circumstances for our personal experiences. This mindset keeps us 'asleep' within the dream, unable to recognize our own power to change our circumstances. By understanding that we are the creators of our own dream, we can begin to take back control and move towards a more enlightened state of being.

The Immediate Need for Enlightenment

Now is the opportune time to foster an Enlightened Civilization because the challenges we face globally—climate change, social inequality, and political unrest—require solutions that stem from a higher state of collective consciousness. By embracing the concept of life as a dream, we can begin to address these issues more effectively, with a greater sense of responsibility and a clearer vision of the potential outcomes of our choices.

Pathways to Achieving Enlightenment

To transition towards an Enlightened Civilization, several steps can be undertaken:

  1. Education and Awareness: Promoting the understanding of consciousness and the dream-like nature of reality.
  2. Accessibility to Mindfulness Practices: Making tools for enlightenment, such as meditation and mindfulness, available to all segments of society.
  3. Cultural Shift in Values: Encouraging values that support collective well-being and personal growth.

Conclusion: The Call to Wake Up

The journey towards an Enlightened Civilization is both a personal and collective endeavor. It requires us to wake up from the passive dream state and actively engage in shaping our reality. By recognizing the power of now—the moment in which we are always dreaming—we can begin to transform our society into one that not only dreams of enlightenment but lives it.

In essence, the time is indeed now for an Enlightened Civilization. By understanding and embracing our role in the dream of life, we can create a society that not only dreams of a better world but actively creates it.

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