We Must be Ready. But How?

Apr 26


Maureen G Metcalf

Maureen G Metcalf

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Summary: In a world filled with challenges and distractions, how do we prepare ourselves spiritually and maintain our integrity? Drawing from biblical principles, particularly Revelation 19:7, this article explores the metaphor of the Bride of Christ, emphasizing the importance of living a life that reflects our spiritual commitments and values. We delve into the responsibilities that come with being chosen and set apart, and how we can embody these ideals in our daily lives.


Understanding Spiritual Preparedness

Revelation 19:7 joyously declares,We Must be Ready. But How? Articles "Let us rejoice and give honor unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." This scripture highlights a profound spiritual truth: while salvation is a gift that cannot be earned, it requires us to live in a way that honors this divine benevolence.

The Dual Nature of Salvation and Sanctification

Salvation—our justification before God—is solely through Christ's sacrifice, independent of our deeds. However, sanctification, the process of being set apart for holy purposes, demands our active engagement. It's not enough to be cleansed; we must strive to remain unblemished by the moral complexities of the world.

Living as the Bride of Christ

  • Representation: As the Bride represents Christ, our actions and choices should reflect His purity and love.
  • Ambassadorship: In our daily interactions, do we act as proud ambassadors of His kingdom, or do we blend into the secular background?
  • Devotion: True love for Christ is shown through our eagerness to align our lives with His teachings and desires.

The Role of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in guiding and strengthening us to live up to the principles of Scripture. He acts as a mentor, helping us interpret and apply biblical teachings to our everyday lives. Engaging with the Holy Spirit through prayer, scripture reading, and attentiveness to His prompts is essential for spiritual growth and preparedness.

Practical Steps to Spiritual Readiness

  1. Regular Scripture Study: The Bible is our primary source of divine instruction and inspiration.
  2. Prayer: Maintaining an ongoing dialogue with God helps us stay aligned with His will.
  3. Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit: Heeding the gentle nudgings of the Holy Spirit ensures that we remain on the path of righteousness.

Living Out Our Faith

Jesus' teachings, particularly in the context of the Sermon on the Mount and His messages to the Seven Churches in Revelation 2 and 3, provide clear guidelines on how to live a life that is pleasing to God. These instructions emphasize love, mercy, and integrity, challenging us to rise above human tendencies towards selfishness and retaliation.

Key Aspects of Christ-like Living

  • Love and Generosity: We are called to love everyone, including our enemies, and to be generous with our resources.
  • Peace and Respect: As much as possible, we should be peacemakers and treat others with the respect we desire for ourselves.
  • Holiness and Justice: Standing firm for truth and justice, while showing mercy and forgiveness, reflects the balance of God’s character.

Conclusion: The Bride Made Ready

As we apply these principles, we "make ourselves ready" for the spiritual union with Christ, much like a bride prepares for her wedding day. This readiness is not just about personal purity but involves a comprehensive lifestyle that honors God and exemplifies His love to the world.

For further reading on the Bride of Christ and spiritual readiness, visit resources such as Desiring God and The Gospel Coalition.

By embracing these divine principles and relying on the Holy Spirit, we prepare ourselves not just for challenges in this life, but for the eternal celebration in the next.