Where Are The Christians?

Apr 26


Stephen Kingery

Stephen Kingery

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In this exploration of the shifting cultural landscape, we delve into the profound changes in societal norms and values from the mid-20th century to the present, particularly focusing on the Christian community's response to these changes. This article examines the evolution of media, education, and public policy, questioning the visibility and influence of Christian values in modern America.


The Changing Face of Media and Education

Media Evolution: From Wholesome to Controversial

In the 1950s and early 1960s,Where Are The Christians? Articles American television was dominated by family-friendly programming such as "Leave It To Beaver" and "Ozzie & Harriet." These shows reflected a society that embraced conservative values, with no profanity or nudity. Fast forward to the present, and the landscape is starkly different. Modern television often includes explicit content, from profanity to graphic violence and sexual content. According to a study by the Parents Television Council, instances of profanity on prime-time television have increased by 69% between 2005 and 2010. The question arises: how have Christians responded to this shift?

Educational Shifts: Secularism in Schools

The role of Christianity in public education has seen significant changes. In the 1950s, it was common for school days to start with Bible readings and the Lord's Prayer. However, landmark Supreme Court decisions such as Engel v. Vitale (1962) ruled school-led prayer unconstitutional, citing the separation of church and state. This decision marked a pivotal shift towards secularism in schools, a trend that has only grown. Today, topics like sex education and discussions around gender and sexuality are commonplace in the curriculum, often clashing with traditional Christian values.

Societal Shifts and Christian Response

The Rise of Secular and Liberal Ideologies

Over the decades, there has been a noticeable shift towards more liberal ideologies in the public sphere, particularly concerning issues like LGBTQ+ rights and abortion. For instance, the acceptance of homosexuality has increased significantly, with Gallup reporting that support for same-sex marriage in the U.S. reached 70% in 2021, up from just 27% in 1996. This cultural shift often puts traditional Christian teachings at odds with mainstream societal values.

Christian Activism and Political Engagement

Despite these challenges, many Christians have not remained passive. There has been a notable increase in Christian activism, particularly in the political arena. Organizations such as the Christian Coalition of America have been influential in advocating for Christian values in government. Moreover, Christians are encouraged to engage more actively through voting, participating in local government, and influencing media and education by promoting content that aligns with Christian values.

The Role of Individual Christians

Personal Responsibility and Community Action

The call for individual Christians to be more proactive is loud and clear. This involves not only prayer and personal conduct but also active participation in community and national issues. Engaging in community service, supporting Christian media, and being vocal about one's beliefs in public forums are ways to ensure that Christian voices are heard.

Mobilizing the Christian Community

The need for a unified and organized response from the Christian community is critical. By forming coalitions, supporting Christian candidates, and creating platforms to share and promote Christian values, believers can have a more significant impact on society.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The question, "Where are the Christians?" serves as a rallying cry for believers to not only reflect on their personal faith but also to consider their role in society. As cultural norms continue to evolve, the Christian community is called upon to adapt, engage, and influence the world in ways that uphold their spiritual values and convictions.

In essence, the visibility and influence of Christianity in modern America may have diminished in some areas, but opportunities for meaningful engagement and influence remain vast. It is up to individual believers and the community as a whole to seize these opportunities and make their presence felt.