Navigating Codependency in an Era of Discord – Part I

May 5


Anne H. Brown

Anne H. Brown

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In an era marked by division, those with codependent tendencies may find their challenges magnified. This article explores how contentious times can trigger past traumas and intensify codependent behaviors, offering insights into managing these dynamics effectively.


Understanding Codependency

Codependency is characterized by learned personality traits that adversely impact an individual's ability to know themselves and interact with others. Typically,Navigating Codependency in an Era of Discord – Part I Articles codependents seek approval from others and may go to great lengths to control situations to gain that approval. They often avoid honesty and confrontation, potentially enabling abusive behavior. This avoidance can become particularly problematic during contentious periods when confrontations are more frequent and intense.

The Impact of Contentious Times on Codependents

During periods of societal discord, individuals with codependent tendencies might struggle more than usual. The stress of a divisive environment can reactivate old family dynamics, especially for those who grew up in argumentative households. Such environments can bring back painful memories, making current conflicts feel more intense. This can be particularly challenging for those who haven't fully addressed their codependent behaviors.

Key Risks for Codependents in Contentious Times

  1. Increased Anxiety and Stress: The constant state of conflict can heighten anxiety, making codependents more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors to seek approval or avoid confrontation.

  2. Relapse into Old Patterns: Individuals might revert to old habits of manipulation or avoidance, especially if they feel threatened or overwhelmed by the aggressive rhetoric prevalent in contentious times.

  3. Difficulty in Setting Boundaries: With a heightened need for approval, codependents might find it harder to set and maintain healthy boundaries, leading to increased emotional distress and potential exploitation.

Strategies for Managing Codependency During Contentious Times

To navigate these challenging times, codependents can employ several strategies to manage their tendencies and maintain emotional health:

  • Seek Professional Help: Engaging with a therapist who understands codependency can provide valuable guidance and tools to manage these traits.
  • Practice Assertiveness: Learning to express needs and opinions assertively, rather than aggressively or passively, can help in dealing with confrontations more healthily.
  • Strengthen Emotional Awareness: Being aware of and understanding one's emotions can aid in managing reactions and interactions with others more effectively.
  • Build a Support Network: Having a supportive group of friends or family can provide a buffer against the negative effects of contentious environments.


Contentious times can be particularly challenging for individuals with codependent tendencies, triggering old patterns and intensifying emotional responses. By understanding the risks and employing strategies to manage codependency, individuals can maintain their emotional health and navigate these periods more effectively. For further reading on codependency and its impacts during contentious times, consider exploring resources like

In the next part of this series, we will delve deeper into specific coping mechanisms and real-life applications of these strategies to help those affected by codependency manage their condition in an increasingly divided world.
