Jake Shannon: The Hypnotist Aiming for Change in Utah's 3rd Congressional District

May 5


Jake Shannon

Jake Shannon

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In the political arena of Utah's 3rd Congressional District, a unique candidate stands out. Known on stage as Professor XS, "the world's most dangerous hypnotist," Jake Shannon is also a significant figure in the Libertarian Party, advocating for minimal government and individual rights. His diverse background as a hypnotherapist, financial analyst, and self-defense expert brings a fresh perspective to the political discourse, aiming to reshape public perception of Libertarian principles.


Background and Political Involvement

Jake Shannon,Jake Shannon: The Hypnotist Aiming for Change in Utah's 3rd Congressional District Articles who relocated to Utah in 2007, has been an active member of the Libertarian Party, currently serving as the vice chairperson. His journey into libertarianism was influenced by his tenure at Laissez Faire Books in San Francisco, a hub for libertarian thought. Shannon's advocacy extends to various social issues, including support for same-sex marriage, based on the belief that forming contracts is a fundamental human right.

Key Political Stances:

  • Taxation and Government Size: Shannon argues for reduced government spending and lower taxes, suggesting that eliminating the IRS could revert government size to its state in 1997 under President Bill Clinton, which he still considers substantial.
  • Social Policies: He supports ending the war on drugs and cutting back on welfare bureaucracy to enhance the efficiency of these programs. In the 1960s, 80% of welfare funds reached those in need, a figure that has drastically declined due to bureaucratic overhead.
  • Individual Rights: Central to Shannon's philosophy is the protection of individual rights, irrespective of one's social group. This stance extends to economic freedoms and personal liberties.

The Libertarian Vision for Government

Shannon envisions a government that is not only smaller but more efficient, focusing power in the hands of individuals rather than corporations. He criticizes the current system's monopolistic nature, which he compares to the poor service quality typically associated with government agencies like the DMV. By reducing government intervention, Shannon believes that competition in services would increase, leading to better quality and efficiency.

Economic Implications of Libertarian Policies:

  • Redistribution of Power: Advocates for a shift from corporate power back to individual citizens.
  • Market Dynamics: Emphasizes the inevitability and necessity of markets, including those that are often criticized like black markets.

Electoral Challenges and Inspirations

Despite acknowledging the slim chances of electoral victory, Shannon is inspired by figures like Ron Paul, whose 2008 Presidential campaign, though unsuccessful, significantly influenced public debate and political alignments within the Republican Party. Shannon sees his candidacy as a platform to discuss and promote Libertarian ideals, hoping to influence broader political discourse and encourage disenfranchised voters, particularly from the LGBTQ+ community, to consider Libertarianism as a viable political alternative.

Impact on Political Discourse:

  • Influence of Ron Paul: Credited with reshaping the Republican Party post-2008.
  • Appeal to Non-mainstream Voters: Encourages those disillusioned with traditional parties to explore Libertarian principles.


Jake Shannon's campaign in Utah's 3rd Congressional District is not just about winning an election but about challenging the status quo and introducing new ideas into the political conversation. His unique background and commitment to libertarian principles highlight the diversity of thought and approach within the Libertarian Party. As Utahns and Americans look to future elections, candidates like Shannon play a crucial role in shaping the landscape of political possibilities.

For more detailed insights into Libertarian principles and their implications, readers can explore resources like the Cato Institute and Libertarian Party's official website.