Bear Watching Holidays in the Great Bear Rainforest

Apr 19


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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Discover the thrill of bear watching in British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest, a vast expanse of temperate rainforest teeming with wildlife. This unique ecosystem not only offers sightings of various bear species, including the rare Kermode 'Spirit' Bear, but also provides a habitat for a diverse range of other wildlife, from majestic whales to elusive wolves.

The Lush Expanse of the Great Bear Rainforest

Spanning along the central and northern coast of British Columbia,Bear Watching Holidays in the Great Bear Rainforest Articles the Great Bear Rainforest covers approximately 6.4 million hectares, making it one of the largest remaining tracts of unspoiled temperate rainforest in the world. The area is characterized by its dense forests of Amabilis Fir, Ancient Western Red Cedars, Western Hemlocks, and Sitka Spruce. The forest floor is lush with moss, ferns, and other plants, thriving in the wet climate that receives an annual rainfall of 152 to 508 cm (60-200 inches).

Wildlife Diversity

The Great Bear Rainforest is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. It is home to a variety of species including:

  • Terrestrial Animals: Grey Wolves, Cougars, Black Bears, Kermode 'Spirit' Bears, Grizzly Bears
  • Marine Life: Orcas, Pacific White-sided Dolphins, Steller’s Sea Lions, Grey Whales, Humpback Whales
  • Avian Species: Bald Eagles, Red-necked Grebes, Western Grebes, Belted Kingfisher, Marbled Murrelet, Spotted Sandpiper, Great Northern and Red-throated Divers

Prime Viewing Opportunities

Grizzly Bears During the Salmon Run

One of the most spectacular events in the Great Bear Rainforest is the annual salmon run in early autumn, where Pacific salmon swim upstream to spawn. This event attracts Grizzly Bears, making it an excellent time for visitors to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Prime locations like the Khutze Inlet offer strategic vantage points for bear watching.

Humpback Whale Sightings

The playful nature of Humpback Whales, often seen slapping their pectoral fins or breaching, makes them a favorite among visitors. The Fjordland Conservancy is noted for frequent sightings of these impressive cetaceans. According to the Marine Education and Research Society, Humpback Whales are among the most commonly sighted whales along the British Columbia coast.

The Elusive Kermode 'Spirit' Bears

The Kermode Bear, or 'Spirit' Bear, is a rare variant of the Black Bear found only in this region. With a genetic mutation that results in white or cream-colored fur, these bears are a rare sight, with estimates suggesting that only about one in ten Black Bears in the area carry this gene. Princess Royal Island is one of the best places to potentially spot these rare creatures.

Planning Your Visit

When planning a bear watching holiday in the Great Bear Rainforest, consider the following tips:

  • Best Time to Visit: Late summer to early autumn is ideal, especially during the salmon run for Grizzly Bears and optimal whale-watching conditions.
  • Tour Options: Choose from guided tours that respect wildlife habitats and contribute to conservation efforts.
  • Accommodations: Options range from eco-lodges to camping sites, providing a range of experiences close to nature.

For more information on guided tours and conservation efforts, visit the Great Bear Rainforest official tourism website.


A holiday in the Great Bear Rainforest offers more than just bear watching; it's an immersion into one of the planet's most vital and vibrant ecosystems. Whether you're photographing Grizzly Bears, watching Humpback Whales, or on the lookout for the mystical Kermode Bear, this region promises unforgettable wildlife encounters set against the backdrop of stunning natural beauty.