Cheap and Chilly Family Fun: Igloo-Building in La Plagne

Apr 22


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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Discover the joy of igloo-building with your family in La Plagne, a delightful activity that combines creativity, teamwork, and a touch of adventure. Nestled in the French Alps, La Plagne offers more than just skiing; it's a place where you can construct your very own snow sanctuary.

Introduction to Igloo-Building in La Plagne

La Plagne,Cheap and Chilly Family Fun: Igloo-Building in La Plagne Articles a premier family ski resort located just three hours from Geneva Airport, is not only known for its expansive ski slopes but also for its unique winter activities, including igloo-building. The resort features an Igloo Village by Blacksheep, complete with an ice restaurant and private rooms for an overnight stay, providing perfect inspiration for families to engage in building their own igloo.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Igloo

Choosing the Right Spot

Selecting an ideal location is crucial. Opt for a flat area or a slight slope which can naturally support one wall of your igloo. This strategic choice not only provides structural support but also reduces the amount of snow you need to excavate.

Mapping Out Your Igloo

Begin by marking a circle in the snow, which will define the perimeter of your igloo. Keep the diameter modest to ensure the stability of the dome; a too-large igloo might collapse under its own weight.

Crafting the Snow Bricks

Using a shovel, cut out blocks of snow from within your marked circle. Ideal dimensions for these blocks are approximately 1 meter in length, 38 cm in width, and 20 cm in thickness. Ensure all bricks are uniform to maintain the igloo's integrity.

Constructing the Dome

As you stack the bricks in a spiral pattern, gradually incline them inward to form the dome. Smaller blocks will be necessary as you near the completion of the dome. Younger family members can assist by filling gaps between the bricks with loose snow, which also helps in insulating the structure.

Safety Measures

It's essential to carve small air vents in your igloo to prevent CO2 buildup, ensuring a safe environment inside the igloo.

Final Touches

Once the structure is complete, involve the kids in covering the igloo with a thin layer of loose snow. This not only strengthens the igloo but also smooths out the exterior, enhancing its longevity against the elements.

Traveling to La Plagne

Reaching La Plagne is straightforward, with numerous flights available from the UK to Geneva Airport. From there, a ski transfer can take you directly to the resort in about three hours. It's advisable to book your transfer in advance through services like Shuttle Direct to ensure a smooth journey from the airport to your snowy adventure.

Interesting Igloo Facts

  • Thermal Properties: Despite being made of ice, igloos can maintain an interior temperature much warmer than the outside air, sometimes up to 20 degrees Celsius warmer, due to body heat and the insulating properties of snow.
  • Cultural Significance: Traditionally, igloos were built by the Inuit people of Canada's Central Arctic and Greenland's Thule area. They were used as temporary winter shelters by hunters.

Building an igloo in La Plagne offers a unique blend of educational and physical activity, perfect for families looking to add a memorable chapter to their winter holiday. Whether you choose to dine in an ice restaurant or spend a night in an igloo, the experience is bound to be unforgettable.