Elimbilery! An Aesthetic Extravaganza

Apr 23


lantern stay

lantern stay

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Discover the enchanting Elimbilery Estate, a hidden gem nestled in the lush landscapes of Wayanad, Kerala. This 900-acre private estate, managed by passionate nature enthusiasts, offers a unique blend of adventure and tranquility, making it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. With its close proximity to the majestic Chembra Peak and surrounded by vibrant tea estates, Elimbilery provides an unforgettable experience for both thrill-seekers and nature lovers.

Unveiling the Charm of Elimbilery

The Allure of Lanternstay Resort

Located within the dense forests of Elimbilery,Elimbilery! An Aesthetic Extravaganza Articles Lanternstay Resort stands as a premier destination for those seeking both adventure and relaxation. The resort is equipped with all essential amenities to ensure a comfortable stay amidst nature. Guests can indulge in a variety of adventurous activities, guided by experienced professionals who unveil the mysteries of the forest. The resort's exceptional cuisine and ambiance contribute to making your stay a memorable one.

Eco-Tourism in Wayanad

Wayanad has witnessed a significant increase in international tourists, thanks to the rising popularity of eco-tourism. According to the Kerala Tourism Statistics 2021, there has been a noticeable boost in eco-tourism activities, with a 30% increase in visitors seeking eco-friendly travel options within the region. Elimbilery, with its sustainable practices and commitment to preserving nature, stands out as a prime example of eco-tourism done right.

The Journey to Elimbilery

The drive to Elimbilery is an adventure in itself. Starting from Meppadi, the route passes through expansive tea estates, offering breathtaking views and a serene atmosphere. The latter part of the journey involves an off-road experience, adding an element of thrill for visitors. This blend of scenic beauty and adventurous routes makes the journey to Elimbilery as rewarding as the destination itself.

Experiencing Nature at Its Best

Scenic Views and Local Wildlife

Elimbilery offers panoramic views of the Chembra Peak and features lakes that meander through the estate, enhancing its picturesque beauty. The estate is enveloped by dense forests, home to diverse flora and fauna. Interestingly, despite its proximity to wild habitats, there have been no significant instances of dangerous wildlife encounters within the estate, ensuring a safe environment for visitors.

Living Like the Ancestors

For those interested in experiencing a slice of ancestral life, Elimbilery provides an opportunity to connect with nature in ways that our forebears might have. This back-to-basics approach is not only refreshing but also enlightening, offering insights into a simpler, sustainable lifestyle.


Elimbilery is not just a destination but an experience that captivates the heart and soothes the soul. Whether you are an adventure enthusiast or someone seeking peace away from the city's clamor, Elimbilery promises an experience that you will cherish forever. Plan your visit to Elimbilery and discover why this estate is the talk of the town among nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

For more information on eco-tourism in Kerala and travel tips, visit Kerala Tourism's official website and Wayanad's travel guide.
