Getting Away From it All – Remote Hostelling in Europe

Apr 19


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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Discover the serene beauty of Europe's remote landscapes through hostelling. Escape the urban chaos and immerse yourself in tranquility, surrounded by stunning natural scenery. From the rugged terrains of Wales to the pristine wilderness of Finland and the majestic Pyrenees in Spain, experience a unique, peaceful getaway that rejuvenates the soul.

The Allure of Remote Hostelling

Hostelling in remote parts of Europe offers a refreshing contrast to the bustling city life. It's not just about affordable accommodation; it's about accessing secluded spots that provide a deep connection with nature. These hostels are gateways to serene environments where the only sounds are the whispering winds and wildlife.

Rugged Wales: A Haven of Natural Beauty

Wales is celebrated for its dramatic landscapes and untouched beaches. The region of Snowdonia,Getting Away From it All – Remote Hostelling in Europe Articles in particular, is a treasure trove of natural wonders. Here, the pace of life naturally slows down as you breathe in the crisp mountain air and explore the vast, peaceful terrain. Activities include:

  • Hiking along both marked and unexplored trails
  • Wild swimming in crystal-clear lakes and rivers
  • Discovering local wildlife and flora

According to Visit Wales, the region attracts millions of nature lovers each year, drawn by its renowned hiking trails and the opportunity for tranquil solitude.

Alpine Finland: Tranquility in the North

Finland, known for its vast forests and northern lights, offers an unparalleled peaceful retreat in Lemmenjoki National Park. This area is not only a sanctuary for rare alpine plants like the Alpine arnica but also a cultural hub where you can learn about the indigenous Samí people and their reindeer herding traditions. Key highlights include:

  • Exploring endangered plant species and diverse ecosystems
  • Engaging with the Samí culture
  • Experiencing the midnight sun or aurora borealis depending on the season

Statistics from Finland's Natural Resources Institute indicate a growing interest in eco-tourism, with Lemmenjoki National Park seeing an increase in visitors seeking sustainable travel experiences.

Spanish Pyrenees: Majestic Mountains and Serene Valleys

The Pyrenees of Catalonia offer a different kind of tranquility, characterized by mountainous landscapes and gentle breezes. The area is known for its pure air and quietude, making it a perfect spot for those seeking to decompress from the pressures of modern life. Notable experiences include:

  • Riding the Núria rack railway to witness breathtaking views
  • Trekking through quiet, lush trails
  • Enjoying the local Catalan culture and cuisine

Data from Catalonia Tourism highlights that the Pyrenees region has become a popular destination for wellness tourism, with a notable increase in visitors looking for health-oriented vacations.

Why Choose Remote Hostelling?

Choosing to stay in a remote hostel in Europe is more than a lodging decision; it's a lifestyle choice that offers:

  • Affordability: Hostels provide economical options without sacrificing the richness of the travel experience.
  • Community and Culture: They offer a communal environment where like-minded travelers can meet and share experiences.
  • Access to Remote Beauty: Hostels are often situated in locations that other accommodations are not, providing unique access to secluded spots.


Remote hostelling in Europe is not just about finding a place to stay; it's about discovering new horizons of peace and natural beauty. Whether it's the silent valleys of Wales, the untouched wilderness of Finland, or the soaring peaks of the Pyrenees, these destinations offer a retreat from the hectic pace of modern life. For more information on planning your trip, visit Hostelling International and explore their extensive list of remote hostels across Europe.

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