Nautical Bliss: A Day of Sailing and Snorkeling Aboard the Coco Luna Catamaran

Apr 9


Matt Weatherbee

Matt Weatherbee

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Embark on a maritime adventure as we recount a splendid Sunday spent sailing and snorkeling aboard the Coco Luna Catamaran in Playa del Carmen. With the vessel named after a local condo, this day on the ocean waves stands out as a highlight in our coastal escapades. As we delve into the joys of sea life, expect to see us indulging in more aquatic activities in the months ahead.

A Serendipitous Purchase

A few months back,Nautical Bliss: A Day of Sailing and Snorkeling Aboard the Coco Luna Catamaran Articles our dear friend Scottie contemplated buying a used boat. Initially, I was skeptical about the practicality of such an investment. Would the boat see enough use to justify the expense? Renting seemed like a more sensible option. However, Scottie's tales of maritime merriment soon swayed my opinion. Her acquisition of the Coco Luna has proven to be a delightful addition to our lives, rivaling even the invention of chocolate mousse in its capacity to bring joy.

When Scottie invited us to join her for a sail, my partner Allan and I eagerly agreed, ensuring our schedules were free to not miss a moment of the anticipated fun.

Setting Sail from The Elements Beach Club

We convened with Scottie and her partner Jim at The Elements Beach Club at 1 PM sharp. The day was picture-perfect, with clear skies and calm seas—a blessing for someone like me who is prone to seasickness. Scottie and Jim were already out on the water, taking sailing lessons from Emilio, a local instructor with a reputation for his good looks (you can judge for yourself from the photo below).

While waiting for the Coco Luna to return, Allan conversed with Carla, a client and condo owner vacationing for the month, while I cooled off with a swim. Soon enough, it was our turn to board the catamaran.

A Voyage to Remember

The sailing experience was tranquil and utterly enjoyable. As Emilio skillfully navigated us towards the reef near Coco Beach, we basked in the sun and admired the ocean's gradient of blues. The reef, located about 12 feet underwater and 1000 feet from the shore, extends for half a mile and boasts an impressive array of marine life.

Donning our snorkeling gear, we plunged into the surprisingly warm waters. We were greeted by an underwater spectacle of brain coral, vibrant fish, and intricate coral formations. Careful not to disturb the delicate ecosystem, we spent an hour exploring this aquatic wonderland.

The Deep Blue and Beyond

After our snorkeling adventure, we resumed our sail, zigzagging back to shore. Emilio pointed out a spot where the ocean depth plunges beyond 300 feet, its color a deep marine navy, evoking a sense of the profound mysteries of the deep sea. Nearby, a luxurious 83-foot yacht pulsed with electronic music, its passengers dancing and waving to us.

Our sailing journey concluded after two hours of pure delight. We assisted in bringing the Coco Luna ashore before rejoining Marilou at the Elements Beach Club. There, we relaxed on the beach, snacked on Scottie's homemade salsa and chips, and made dinner plans for the evening.

The Social Tapestry of Playa del Carmen

Our time in Playa del Carmen has been enriched by the friendships we've forged and the adventures we've shared. From sailing and snorkeling to exploring cenotes and embracing the unexpected, each day brings new experiences in this sun-kissed paradise.

For more information on Playa del Carmen and its offerings, visit Playa del Carmen Real Estate.

Interesting Stats and Data:

  • According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association, recreational boating in the U.S. has an annual economic impact of over $170 billion, including direct, indirect, and induced spending. (Source: NMMA)
  • The global snorkeling equipment market size was valued at USD 1.29 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow, indicating the popularity of underwater activities. (Source: Grand View Research)
  • A study by the Marine Conservation Society found that snorkelers and divers can significantly contribute to marine conservation through citizen science projects, highlighting the importance of eco-conscious tourism. (Source: Marine Conservation Society)