Is daily exercise really worth the effort?

May 19


Mark Clemens

Mark Clemens

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Most people want to do more than just lose excess weight. For that to occur, daily exercise is needed.

Most everyone believes that a weight loss or fitness program must include exercise. To be sure,Is daily exercise really worth the effort? Articles there are some who do not believe this, but the number is relatively few.A truly comprehensive weight loss or fitness routine, then, it seems, strives after far more than mere reduction of excess fat. A sense of vitality is also sought, that is an ability to act more gracefully and powerfully over increasingly long periods of time.For persons who are just starting out, this may felt to be absolutely impossible. Perhaps this is because they have been sedentary for decades, relying more on elevators than on stairs, more on riding in a car than walking. Consequently, they may now be astonished by the workouts of marathon runners or distance swimmers, feeling that actions such as these have been reserved for small but very  fortunate few. Possibly they think that these types of people have simply been born with good genes.What may be welcome news is that virtually anyone, even they, can attain these fitness levels, whether they are genetically predisposed or not. All people, except for a very small number, really can build up to these performance levels. Yet that may seem to be a seemingly fanciful affirmation to the person just again starting out, perhaps after a twenty to thirty year breakThe human body responds to regularity and persistence, though many have great difficulty believing this. By reason of their recent experiences or even what they may have been told in the past by elders,they think that regular sustained discipline and effort only cause people to wear out. Nevertheless, countless examples to the contrary prevail, demonstrating that the body develops when it is used and pushed on a regular basis. It is only when a hiatus of considerable duration occurs that one begins to experience decline. A common example of such an hiatus is the period from high school graduation to one's forties.The everyday expression about using it so that one does not lose it also pertains here in the realm of fitness If one continues to work out, to exercise in a regular and consistent manner, one truly does become better at it with time. But if one does not exert consistent effort, the ability retracts, making it very difficult to regain former levels of performance. This is an all too frequent occurrence.The best way to avoid that circumstance is to simply get into good shape and stay there. That requires a daily investment of time and energy--resources which many adults feel that they do not have.  Nevertheless, they are what one must find not only to lose weight, but to maximize his or her overall fitness. Perhaps  a few more decades of university fitness studies and routine MD sanctions of daily exercise will result in more people doing this with the same regularity and expected normality as the current brushing of their teeth.Order my book "Think and Grow Fit" today.Visit if this link is not live.

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