We can make the mirror our best friend

Apr 6


Mark Clemens

Mark Clemens

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A good friend tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

No one wants to study them selves in the mirror. No matter what others may tell us,We can make the mirror our best friend Articles the mirror just seems to scream that we are not all that we would like to be. Yet, a message like this is not always all that bad.

For people even as peerless as Arnold Schwarzennegar, the mirror can say things not worthy of being repeated. But that in itself can become the reason to push harder today than yesterday. It is expected that that will make the one small improvement--the one more well-defined muscle or the one less gram of body fat.

To those of us who are not even one tenth as Greek-statuesque, Arnold's self-criticism can seem vain and unnecessary. Yet, even if we are not in his league, in his class of excellence,  we are still of the same common humanity. Like him we want to improve. That desire can and should translate into the equivalent of what a good friend would say, namely work harder to be all that you can become.

Many of us forget that when we had begun a weight loss program, we had expected to see near immediate differences in our appearances. We really thought that by embarking on a new routine we would quickly become much like the models on the container that our supplements came in. We did not really know that it would take so much longer than we may have initially thought.

Perhaps we think that a good friend might say relax, you look great, so just accept yourself as you are. Perhaps these are the very words we try to tell ourselves when gazing in the mirror. If so, we may be plodding along, doing much the same today as yesterday. That may mean eating approximately the same number of calories, doing the same number of repetitions or rpms on the health club equipment, while taking the same amount of vitamins.

Nonetheless, this is not as futile as it may sound, especially to ourselves. The truth is that prolonged investment of effort and energy like this will in fact produce the desired results. The problem is that this does not occur overnight. As a result, what we say in response to what we see in the mirror may make us put forth even less effort today than yesterday; or, even worse,  it may make us just give up entirely.

That is not what a good friend would let happen. Someone who cared about us would care about our aspirations, while accepting us for what we are. Therefore, he or she might say yes you look about the same as yesterday, but today may be the one that will enable you to start seeing the differences. Today may really be the day that you will go above and beyond the plateau.

When you look in the mirror, do you need to hear voices like these. You should ignore ones who say that you are good enough the way that you are the way you are, meaning that no one, not even you, should think otherwise.Good friends give us reason to hope. Therefore those who sound well-intentioned but who encourage us to give up ought to be replaced at the first opportunity. The ability to do this lies within ourselves. Mobilization of that is ability is the only way to make a mirror our best friend.

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