Seven Effective Methods for Underarm Hair Removal

May 21


Dekel Dayan

Dekel Dayan

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Underarm hair is a natural part of the human body, yet many people find it socially undesirable or unattractive. While the decision to remove armpit hair is largely influenced by societal norms, the process itself can be uncomfortable. This article explores seven effective methods for underarm hair removal, providing detailed insights and interesting statistics to help you make an informed choice.


1. Shaving

Shaving is one of the most common methods for underarm hair removal. To achieve the best results,Seven Effective Methods for Underarm Hair Removal Articles soak the hair in warm water for a few minutes and apply shaving gel or a moisturizing conditioner. Use a sharp razor with moisturizing strips and multiple blades (2-5 blades are ideal). Dull blades can pull hair and increase the risk of ingrown hairs. Electric shavers are also an option, with many waterproof models available for use in the shower.


  • Quick and easy
  • Inexpensive


  • Results last only a few days
  • Risk of cuts and ingrown hairs

2. Waxing

Waxing is a cost-effective method that offers longer-lasting results compared to shaving. This technique involves applying hot or cold wax to the underarm area and then removing it, pulling the hair out from the follicles. Over time, waxing can reduce hair growth, making it thinner and less noticeable.


  • Results last several weeks
  • Hair grows back thinner


  • Painful
  • Risk of bruising, minor bleeding, and skin burns

3. Hair Removal Creams

Chemical depilatories are applied to dissolve the hair at the skin's surface. These creams break down the disulfide bonds in keratin, weakening the hair so it can be easily wiped away. However, some hair may remain under the skin, leaving a dark shadow.


  • Easy to use
  • Painless


  • Results last only a few days
  • Potential for skin irritation

4. Bleaching

Instead of removing the hair, some people opt to bleach it, making it less visible. It's essential to use body-safe hair dyes for this purpose. The results typically last 2-3 weeks.


  • Painless
  • Quick


  • Temporary solution
  • Potential for skin irritation

5. Epilators

Epilators are electrical devices that remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs and pulling them out from the roots. This method can be quite painful, especially during the first use.


  • Results last several weeks
  • Hair grows back thinner


  • Painful
  • Time-consuming

6. Electrolysis

Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal method performed by a trained professional. It involves inserting a probe into the hair follicle and delivering a small electric current to destroy the hair root. Multiple sessions (at least 6-8) are required for complete hair removal.


  • Permanent results
  • Suitable for all skin types


  • Expensive
  • Time-consuming

7. Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a popular method for eliminating unwanted underarm hair. Each pulse of laser light targets the hair follicle, inhibiting future growth. The procedure is relatively gentle on the skin and involves minimal pain.


  • Long-lasting results
  • Quick procedure


  • Expensive
  • Requires multiple sessions

Interesting Statistics

  • According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, laser hair removal procedures increased by 51% from 2012 to 2017 (source).
  • A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that 60% of women and 24% of men regularly remove their underarm hair (source).

For more detailed information on hair removal methods, you can visit the Mayo Clinic and WebMD.

By understanding the pros and cons of each method, you can choose the one that best suits your needs and lifestyle. Whether you prefer the convenience of shaving or the long-term benefits of laser hair removal, there is an option for everyone.