Three Tips to Impress Record Labels

May 17


James Fong

James Fong

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Sending out demo CDs to every recording studio in town might seem like a good strategy to get noticed by music executives, but it's not always effective. A well-crafted demo can open doors, while a poorly made one can close them forever. Here are three essential tips to help you make a lasting impression on record labels.


Sound Professional

Investing in high-quality recording equipment and professional production can significantly enhance the sound of your music. According to a study by the Music Producers Guild,Three Tips to Impress Record Labels Articles 78% of music professionals believe that the quality of a demo is crucial in making a positive first impression (source: Music Producers Guild). Recording in a professional studio rather than a makeshift home setup can make a world of difference. The investment in better equipment and production will pay off by making your music stand out.

Put Your Best Foot Forward

In reality, music executives often only listen to a few seconds of a demo before making a judgment. To capture their attention quickly, consider adding a video component to your submission. A video not only showcases your music but also gives the label insight into your personality, appearance, and performance style. According to a survey by Music Business Worldwide, 65% of A&R executives prefer demos that include a video element (source: Music Business Worldwide).

Include a Credential Booster

Along with your demo, include a concise biography highlighting your previous performances and relevant experiences. However, avoid the temptation to overload your bio with unnecessary details. Focus on quality over quantity. A well-crafted bio can make you more memorable and give the label a better understanding of your background and potential. According to a report by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), artists with a strong, concise bio are 40% more likely to get a callback from record labels (source: IFPI).

Bonus Tip: Seek Professional Management

Consider getting professional artist management to guide your career. Experienced managers have the industry knowledge and connections to help you navigate the complexities of the music business. They can provide valuable advice on creating effective demos and honing your musical talent. The FPA Management Team, with over 21 years in the music industry, has successfully managed the careers of numerous songwriters, artists, and bands (source: FPA Agency). Their expertise can be instrumental in taking your career to the next level.


Making a lasting impression on record labels requires more than just sending out as many demos as possible. By investing in professional production, presenting yourself effectively, and seeking professional management, you can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed. Remember, quality always trumps quantity in the music industry.

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