Thrifty Habits When Doing a Flyer Printing Project

Nov 9


Kaye Z. Marks

Kaye Z. Marks

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What are the thrifty habits you need to develop in flyer printing campaign

Do you want to print full color flyers cheaply? If you do,Thrifty Habits When Doing a Flyer Printing Project Articles then you are reading the right reference material.

In this guide, I will teach you a few thrifty habits in printing that you can apply to your full color flyers. Following the items below should help you reduce the cost of flyer printing from 10-30%. So be attentive and remember these five simple and thrifty habits in flyer printing.

• Compose your own designs – A big part is of course the design process. Most companies use professional layout artists to make their flyer designs. This can add a lot more to the cost of printing than you can afford, especially if you are a small business. To help you save money and still have a good design, all you have to do actually is to compose your own design.

That is right! By creating your own design, you can cut the overall cost and have full creative control of the design process. With all the new easy to use desktop publishing software available to you now, it should be a cinch to do. So do not be afraid to put on an effort in designing. It should be your key to cheaper printing costs.

• Print smaller flyers – One simple and elegant solution to help reduce the cost is to just print smaller flyers. You will not need a whole 8.5 by 11 inch letter sized flyer in most cases right? By cutting those dimensions in half, or using smaller standard dimensions, you can reduce the cost significantly. It is only logical to save on printing because you are printing smaller. So if your content can fit in a smaller dimension, give yourself a break and do use smaller printers. It is more cost effective.

• Use cheap paper – The printing paper is also a good area to look for savings. You will not really need all those fancy and glossy paper materials all the time. For simple and cost effective advertising, it is quite okay to use cheap paper that is slightly thin and rough. Since these will only need a few seconds to deliver its message and succeed in its job, the paper will not really matter too much to the reader. As long as you have a great flyer message concept, you should be able to print flyers in cheap paper and still succeed with your advertising campaign.

• Minimize customization – Another good thrifty habit is to always minimize customization. Customization always adds more cost. Unusual dimensions, special colors, exotic inks and other special request all entail an added labour cost when you order your prints from a flyer printer. By always keeping those customized options at a minimum and using standard templates, you should get more savings from your printing efforts.

• Pick your printer well – Lastly, thrifty printing means choosing the printing company well. Some are all advertising and pizzazz without really giving quality flyer prints and costs. Therefore, you have to really be meticulous and analyze who has the best quality prints for a lesser cost. It is good to check at least 10 or more printers to accurately gauge what is a bargain and what is not. Whatever the case, with a more extensive search for flyer printers, you should be able to get the cheapest one that fits your budget.

Now you know how to be thrifty in flyer printing. Put the knowledge you gained to good use. Good Luck!