What IS an e-Advertiser? - Why You Should Use One!

Mar 10


Marion B Stearns

Marion B Stearns

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A good and qualified Value Advertiser, should have accessto the most comprehensive resources available. This is atremendous benefit when you're trying to put a VALUE onYOUR name, the hours you work, your business, your BRAND,products and services.


It's NOT...Just Posting an Ad Anymore!

IF you had a major tax or legal problem,What IS an e-Advertiser? - Why You Should Use One! Articles would you handleit yourself? You'd probably need an expert if you had noexpertise IN these fields, whether you could afford theirexpert advice or not.

As our industry grows, we must demand more personalaccountability in e-advertising. If we really don't want anincrease in un-professional and un-ethical activities, wehave to police our own activities. We work in a facelessindustry so we NEED a plan that compiles years of expertise, contacts AND constant diligence, ALL of which is to insure that client demands are met.

There's an incredible amount of work involved behind the scenes, that clients might never know about! Compare this to Real Estate. A LOT can take place behind the scenes.

Ezine advertisers who subscribe to a strict Code of Ethics,ARE expected to maintain a higher level of knowledge in their field. In turn, this can provide a higher standard ofoperation, AND it provides a very important difference toconsumers and clients.

A "Code of Ethics" -- Can Help!

A Code of Ethics should protect the public and protect ALLmembers of an organization. A subscription to a Code ofEthics, as well as Standards of Operations and Practices,should eliminate activity which could damage the public, ORdis-credit the ezine advertising profession.

Ezine publishers who adhere to a Code of Ethcs are aware ofindustry trends as they relate to buyers AND sellers! Actually, they're advocates, working to protect the PublicInterest as well as their own interests.

Is That Telling People How to Run a Business?

Absolutely not. Accountability is KEY! It's a step towardsa sound financial future. IF you had a complicated problemwith income taxes, would you go at it alone OR find a CPA?Considering the small upside cost and No Downside Risks, itwould be foolish to consider a deal in the ezine advertising industry, without qualified and well seasoned advice and assistance.

In many companies, a "Code of Ethics" represents a Standardof Excellence that's shared among groups of like-mindedindividuals. Isn't THAT about as solid as it can get?

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