Having A Psychic Reading

Feb 13


Rachel Saxon

Rachel Saxon

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When one is having a psychic reading, you have to use you own internal checklist to see if the psychic is actually connecting to you or not. You know your own truth.


When one is having a psychic reading,Having A Psychic Reading Articles you have to use you own internal checklist to see if the psychic is actually connecting to you or not. You know your own truths. Do you have an Aunt Helen or an Uncle Johannes? If you do and those names come up in the reading, in all probability the reading was spot on.

Inherently you will know things that happened in your life and to which you can give points for the accuracy of the reading. Most psychic readings are done with what is almost a set format. The psychic will connect to you by validating certain people or past events in your life to establish that he or she is with you. This will give you the confidence in what you are hearing. The next section of the reading is usually about things that are happening in the here and now.  This tends to give you insight into how to deal with problems and happenings that could be worrying you in the “now time”.  This could be to do with a business or money problem, or to urge you into moving in a certain direction which you were hesitating about. Quite often when people are talking a large new and fairly scary change of career or personal direction, they tend to go to a psychic for confirmation on a course they might be embarking upon.  If this applies to you, I would advise that you do not voice the question but rather let it come to you from the psychic. The question is already out in the ether and if they are a good psychic, they will pick up on it without your having to ask the question.  It will give you a great deal more trust if you do not have to voice it and the answer comes through. The next section of the reading is usually about what could be happening in the future.  I say could, because actions that you take after the reading actually can and do alter a future outcome. If the psychic tells you to be careful about traveling in a blue car and you listen, what could have happened to you in that car will not happen. This is what is called preventative measures. By telling you what to watch out for, you are going to stop that what could have been fatal occurrence from happening. I am sure there are many times you have thought or felt you need to avoid something, only to hear later there actually was danger in doing that particular thing.

The fact of the matter is that only you can tell if the psychic is accurate for you. No psychic is ever 100% accurate and if they tell you they are I would run a mile in the other direction.

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