Lucid dreams and their meanings

Aug 18


Rachel Saxon

Rachel Saxon

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For one to be in a lucid dream, it means that they are aware of the dream. However, you cannot force yourself to wake up or change the cause of event in the dream. Usually, the dream is accurate and can reveal realistic psychic events from the same dream. Lucid dreams are interpreted in different ways and seeking help from a psychic will enable you interpret the dreams.


For one to be in a lucid dream,Lucid dreams and their meanings Articles it means that they are aware of the dream. However, you cannot force yourself to wake up or change the cause of event in the dream. Usually, the dream is accurate and can reveal realistic psychic events from the same dream. Lucid dreams are interpreted in different ways and seeking help from a psychic will enable you interpret the dream correctly.

Recurrent dream

These kinds of dreams communicate an important message regarding psychic events. When one repeatedly dreams a specific dream, it is good to try to remember all the details each one at a time. This may include the clothes the person was wearing in the dream and the colors surrounding them. If possible, you should write them down in order to remember and help you retain the image and continue with the psychic skill. 

After death visitation dreams

When the spirits of loved ones who have departed appear in dreams, there may be a set of challenges waiting. Look out for the body language the loved one is using in the dream and how the things they are saying is imparting you. These may be your spirit guides or guardian angels that who are using the person’s image to grab your attention.

Evidence of psychic events in a research study

In a study examining the well-known priming effect that was irreversible, people viewed photos and they had to indicate quickly if the photo represented a negative or a positive image. For example if the photo had a cute kitten, they indicated a positive, and if the photo had worms, they indicated negative by pressing a button. A lot of research has been done n how subliminal priming can quicken one’s ability to recognize photos. This is a technique where a word flashes on a computer screen and the subconscious mind does not have enough time to identify with what they have seen, but deep within you, you are able to recognize the image and categorize it as positive or negative things.