
Feb 13


Rachel Saxon

Rachel Saxon

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Each psychic has their own favourite way of reading a tarot deck. Some just pull cards, while others have a particular spread they prefer to do.


Each psychic has their own favourite way of reading a tarot deck.  Some just pull cards,Spreads Articles while others have a particular spread they prefer. Quite often, the spread used will depend on the question the sitter asks. The various spreads when used to give answers in a set position of the spread, are often used in on line tarot card free readings and can be quite amusing to play with.

My personal preference, and this is only my preference, is a nine card spread.

The layout for this is 3 rows of three cards and gives an extremely thorough reading.  A great many psychic readers opt for the Celtic Cross and I like it but in the end I always return to the 9 card spread. A simple explanation of how it works is the first row of three cards is about what has happened in the past and any lingering problems from the past. Once you have confirmation that you are connecting with the sitter with the first card, you can weave a complete picture from this layout. The past is where you can get confirmation and that is the first row. While you are reading you will also pick up from the psychic side as well as it tends to aim you at the section of the cards where the sitter requires help.  The second row deals with current happenings both problems and happy things. With this spread it’s important to read the cards in conjunction with each other. The third row deals with the future and things to look out for. The great thing about this spread is that it doesn’t stop with reading the rows across. You now embellish on the reading by reading the rows down and the round up the reading by reading the two diagonals as well.  A psychic reading such as this usually takes in the region of 45 minutes to do and this gives such a wealth of information that it covers virtually everything in the sitter’s life from health, finances, work, love life, family concerns, things to watch out for and often ends up with a past loved one coming through as well. An explanation of how well this works is in the fact that almost anyone can use this sort of spread and get information from it, even by using normal playing cards or the regular deck, as some psychics refer to it as.

The number of different spreads grows daily as psychics try to find the method that works best for their own readings. Each intuitive is different to it stands to reason that something they find that works well for them will be incorporated into their own tarot readings.

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