Visualization of Abundance and Prosperity – The Secret Ingredient

Feb 28


Rishan B

Rishan B

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Have you ever been in a situation wherein you could not seem to get rid of a bad feeling or a chain of negative events come your way? Let me show you seven strategies to help you pull yourself out of this negative energy state and bring you back into a positive energy state.


One of the best ways to get the wheels of the Law of Attraction rolling to give you what you want is to visualize your desires. One should not take this too seriously though,Visualization of Abundance and Prosperity – The Secret Ingredient Articles exerting too much effort and straining your self by painstakingly visualizing a picture of yourself having what you want.

There is nothing bad with this, but if you are forgetting one important emotion that you must feel whenever you visualize your dreams, let me again share with you the secret: FUN!

Having fun while you do your visualization will infuse your thoughts with feelings of joy, excitement, and contentment which are powerful magnets that will draw your desires towards your reality. Making your visualization fun and enjoyable will make you feel wonderful emotions.

For example, don’t just visualize the home of your dreams, imagine yourself living a luxurious life in it. Or don’t just imagine yourself having a lot of money, visualize your self spending it to your heart’s content.

Thoughts and Emotions Must be Aligned

If you are not enjoying your visualization sessions, it will never be as effective as when you have fun doing it. For you to attract what you want in life, your thoughts must be aligned with your emotions. Your thoughts and your emotions must work together.

By infusing your thoughts with emotions like excitement, joy, and love, you are reinforcing them for the universe to recognize as a positive signal to give you your desires at the right place and at the right time.

In Everything You Do, Enjoying it is Important

It is a fact of life that excellence can be achieved when you enjoy what you are doing. It is the same with attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. If you have fun and feel excited while you visualize your goals and your dreams, you have the right attitude.

Your thoughts are physical. You create your own reality by thinking of what you want consistently, guiding the universe to give you anything and everything you want. There are a lot of ways to make your visualization fun and enjoyable.

The thought of having what you want makes you really excited and happy doesn’t it? Live your life as if you already have it, and start attracting it into your life – in record speed.

I hope by now you have taken my point. The secret to attracting abundance and prosperity is to visualize it using the secret ingredient: having fun while doing it.