Get Targeted Web Site Traffic By The Skill Of

Feb 11


Juhani Tontti

Juhani Tontti

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Why most super affiliates are so successful, is because they have learnt the skill of "how to pre sell".


That means building emational relationship with their prospect before presenting the offer. This will bring the best targeted web site traffic

1.Pre selling means using emotions. Successful affiliates know that all decisions are made by emotions and that when you train "how to pre sell" you have to make the prospect feel good or laugh to be able to build up the relationship,Get Targeted Web Site Traffic By The Skill Of Articles which is needed before the deal. This is the most important thing in getting targeted web site traffic!

2.Make it fun and you will always win. If your reader has fun, when reading your pre selling writing, it means that he likes you, he is on your side. In "how to pre sell" - technics the product is your personality, your own way to write and the target group the reader. The target is to make him feel good. To win his emotions.

To reach the highest level of targeted web site traffic!

3.The art of tempting. All people like when somebody can make them lough or feel good. Think about that. Somebody makes you feel good for free. That is great. Now the reader is totally open, he trusts you. And he wants more. He is among targeted web site traffic - people.

4."How to pre sell" – technics must be Truth Well Told. Despite of all fun and good mood, pre selling cannot build up wrong image of what is coming. If the prospect will disappoint, he will remember that forever. And especially if your pre selling has made him feel good and lough and then later he will see something totally different.

5.Use extremely personal style. When you can joke about your own errors and mistakes during your early days as an affiliate, your prospect feels, that you belong to the same club. Never present yourself as a superior human being, people do not want that kind of relationships.

6.Learning "how to pre sell", remember that reading must be easy and fun. You can recall the style of advertising copywriters or Hollywood movie writers. They are always positive and very emotional. Most of them like everyday, small things, which they use in their writings. They know, that they have to make people like what they have done.

7."How to pre sell" – technics must build curiosity. When you succeed to make your prospect to lough and have fun, he wants more. In his mind he is prepared to see, what you are selling. However do not reveal that, that is the task of the offer.

8."How to pre sell" means writing about your theme, almost. Yes, almost. The idea is to give a hint to the prospect but not the exact offer. However the writer must guide the reader into the approximate world of what is coming and avoid building disappointment.

9.About the author box. When you use "how to pre sell" - technics, use the link box also for pre selling. Every word is important, because the target is that the prospect will go straight away to see your offer. Also the copy style must be persuasive and soft. Avoid all aggressive termsAnd continue to persuade.