Nov 9




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This is a article about affiliate marketing, which can definately be a positive experience for both seller and affiliate, though there can be a downside to this form of Internet Marketing, when it works well it can be very lucrative for both the merchant and promoter.


This is a  article about affiliate marketing,HOW AFFILIATE MARKETING CAN BE OF BENEFIT TO BOTH MERCHANT AND AFFILIATE. Articles which can definately be a positive experience for both seller and affiliate,  though there can be a downside to this form of Internet  Marketing, when it works well it can be very lucrative for both the merchant and promoter. Some of the most positive aspects are discussed a little later,  but first, the most obvious pit fall to making money is the product or service on offer. If it is  wrong, not needed, not in demand or priced incorrectly, than no matter how well marketed, or how strongly advertised, both merchant and affiliate will be wasting their time, a very disheartening and soul destroying experience. Of course as an affiliate and even as the advertiser you can  deal with and promote a variety of products, which gives both of you and the customers options.
So finding the right products or services to sell and promote are absolutely imperative.
With the right product or service, priced correctly, the advertiser should have very little trouble attracting affiliates to promote and bring customers to his website.
Affiliates are people who promote  the sellers website and products to generate sales.
Affiliates work on commission, therefore their renummeration needs to be equitable  and fair, obviously commissions are based on sales generated. which makes profit for the product owner, with fair renummeration everybody wins.
There is usually very little to no costs involved to start working as an affiliate There is usually no extra cost to the merchant  either to sign up affiliates, once his websites and links are established and working.
The inventory is the sole responsibility of the merchant, the affiliate has no responsibility to provide either the product or service.
Both affiliate and merchant can receive ongoing income, regardless of hours worked  once the business is established ,well known and respected. If the affiliate has a productive downline working efficiently, he can profit from sales generated by them.
With the internet you have a global market place, in which  to  both recruit affiliates and sell products. You are not limited in any way to local markets, and you are therfore never likely to run out of potential customers
Affiliate marketing is low risk, because the only person who has access to the products, services or money is the distributor himself, who is usually the proprietor...
There is no down time with this form of  marketing, the internet works 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, there are no closing times.
As you can see if you are thinking of affiliate marketing,   either as an affiliate or as a business person , there are many and varied  reasons why it can work for you.