Oil Change Improved Technologies

Apr 7


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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Oil change is necessary less frequently with improved materials and technology in engines. It is now possible to have more miles between services.

There have been a lot of different advancements in the field of automotives. For one thing there have been all the advancements with hybrid technology and the improvement of efficiency of engines. It has gotten to the point where for the most part nothing about the way things look under the hood is even recognizable as what it was twenty or even ten years ago. One thing that has improved immensely is not visible at all and has happened almost invisibly to the consumer public. Now when a driver gets an oil change there is a whole new wealth of technology at play that was not there before. It may look the same and still need to be done but it is a whole new fluid doing a much better job.

First of all the switch from liquid petroleum to synthetic has revolutionized the way we think about oil change. Where once it was necessary to have a vehicles lubricants serviced at least every 3000 miles with these new synthetics it is possible to go over 15,000 miles on the same fluids. That is remarkable! This increase in performance is due to several different qualities.

For one thing the materials used in a modern oil change are robust. They are capable of protecting against and resisting all levels of heat and wear. This is accomplished by synthesizing the material out of other raw materials. Sometimes it is petroleum based at the start but it is engineered to be an entirely new compound. This gives it many different improved qualities over traditional mineral based lubricants.
Because the viscosity of this material is increased the tolerances between parts are reduced. This liquid is used in oil changes and is making things run smoothly and tightly in a way that previously would require frequent draining and refilling.

Although the use of this new oil change material is certainly a huge improvement and done a lot to reduce how often this work needs to be done it is not the only advancement. Most cars have a monitoring system installed that will keep the vehicle on the road for longer. In these situations a computer actually analyzes the driving and the conditions and makes a recommendation for when the service should happen. This is so much better than the tiny sticker on the windshield that does not know what could happen in the interim. For example a person may drive across the country or in the snow or heat. Or perhaps they have been hauling a large load for sometime.
Whether from improved materials or better technology vehicles are staying on the road for longer than ever between services.
