Are You Looking For A New Job?

Jul 1


Samantha Knowles

Samantha Knowles

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Are you dreading going to work in the morning? Is it affecting your sleep, your day to day life? Have you thought about getting a new job and how that could help? In this day and age where good jobs are hard to come by, it can be an overwhelming process to think about getting another job. Especially if you have one that pays decent money. However, is money everything?


Are you dreading going to work in the morning? Is it affecting your sleep,Are You Looking For A New Job? Articles your day to day life? Have you thought about getting a new job and how that could help?

In this day and age where good jobs are hard to come by, it can be an overwhelming process to think about getting another job. Especially if you have one that pays decent money. However, is money everything?

Getting a new job is overwhelming to think about but if you take a few action steps, you will see that it is not that hard to take a peek outside of what you are currently doing.

The first action step is to start networking and making the best use of your down time. Talk to your friends and colleagues and find out what else is out there. Are you looking to make a lateral move to a competing company or maybe charting a new course? Your first step is to find that out and see what may be out there for you. A cautionary note: Don't go around announcing that you are leaving. There are subtle ways of looking for a job while still keeping the one you have (that is paying you). Causing a stir or making your discontent public can harm you in the long term. That is the best way to lose your current job. Be subtle.

The next action step in this journey is to get both your cover letter and resume updated. Whether you do it yourself, hire a service to help, or consult the internet, be sure that both your cover letter and resume is perfect. It needs to highlight what is special about you and your abilities and downplay any deficiencies. Either way, make sure that both your resume and cover letter are perfect as it is the first impression a potential employer has of you.

Keep in mind during this whole process that you still work for someone. Someone who is paying you. Be smart about using your personal time and personal resources to get your resume together. Sending out resumes from your company computer or using your work telephone number as a contact number is not a smart idea. It is not just unethical but can get you in trouble with your current employer (the one that pays you).

I wish you the best of luck with your journey to find a new job. Even if you are not certain it is time to move on, keep in mind that you don't turn down opportunities, just offers!