Ending Entrepreneurial Overwhelm Once And For All!

Aug 22


K Summerhawk

K Summerhawk

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Do you find yourself falling into the trap of focusing on what seems important, only to feel like you're missing out on creating the wealth, grace and ease you truly want from your business?


Do you find yourself falling into the trap of focusing on what seems important,Ending Entrepreneurial Overwhelm Once And For All! Articles only to feel like you're missing out on creating the wealth, grace and ease you truly want from your business? 

Overwhelm doesn't just cheat you out of new opportunities to make more mo-ney, it also robs your soul of the time, energy and confidence you need to pursue the unique divine purpose you are meant to express through your business. 

Happily, the solution to this very common business problem is pretty simple. And, the good news is, it doesn't involve any complicated time management systems. 

So let's look at 4 simple tips that I personally use that will help you put the soul back into your day and more dollars into your bank account: 

Tip #1 Stay Closest To The Mo-ney 

Are you clear as to which tasks actually bring mo-ney into your business? Most business owners lose hours every day focused on activities that seem important but do little, if anything, to add to their bottom line. 

How can you tell what tasks matter and which are time wasters? Easy. First, jot down the mo-ney-making tasks that you and only you can do. (Hint: this will be a short list!). For example, my list has just five activities on it. They are: lead teleseminars, lead my Platinum programs, create new products, speak and write. 

That's it!   

Then, starting today, begin to ditch, delegate or redesign every task that's not on your list. The moment you do, you'll begin to feel a sense of relief that will add positive "deposits" to your energy bank account, giving you more time and energy for focusing on your unique brilliance. 

Tip #2 Trade Answering Email For Outgoing Marketing Actions 

Answering email is guaranteed to rob you of huge amounts of time that you absolutely must spend more productively. Answering email was the first task I hired a virtual assistant to take over for me and my 1ncome nearly doubled the year I did! 

Tip #3 Schedule One Day Each Week Away From Your Desk 

I've discovered that the more time I spend away from my desk the more mo-ney I make. Think about it this way -- where do you create your big ideas? It's not at your desk (mine are when I'm in the shower!). One day away each week is crucial for growing your business. Plus, that time away gives you a fresh perspective so you can create and innovate solutions as to how you can grow your business while delegating more. 

Tip #4 Join The Best Master Mind You Can Afford 

Being a member of a Master Mind program has helped me stretch my comfort zone far beyond what I ever imagined. When done right, the power of the Master Mind is a potent catalyst for transforming your mind set, giving you important feedback on your ideas, plus helping you create new business ideas that will significantly 1ncrease your 1ncome. A professionally run Master Mind will attract entrepreneurs who are up to big things and believe me, their influence will help you create results faster and easer than you ever would on your own. 

So, if you're struggling with overwhelm, instead of trying to figure out how to get more done in your day, use it as a sign that you need to shift your focus to what matters most.   

I promise that by focusing only on providing your highest-end service and marketing your business you'll have happier, more peaceful, productive and profitable days, plus sleep better at night.

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