Crafting Your Strategic Theme Sheet: A Comprehensive Guide

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The Strategic Theme Sheet is a self-created worksheet that aids in identifying the core and theme of your advertising strategy. It is a tool that helps you anticipate consumer behavior and preferences, enabling you to tailor your product to outshine your competitors. The Strategic Theme Sheet is primarily concerned with your advertising copy, with the bulk of its content derived from the product and the consumer demand it was designed to meet.


Understanding the Eight Elements of a Strategic Theme Sheet

The Strategic Theme Sheet comprises eight key components:

  • Objective: This is the starting point of your advertising strategy. It should begin with a phrase like "My advertising will..." followed by an action verb such as "convince," "persuade," or "communicate." For instance,Crafting Your Strategic Theme Sheet: A Comprehensive Guide Articles "Have you had your Wheaties today?" serves as a reminder objective. The "convince objective" is a popular choice as it exudes confidence and employs persuasion, which is a crucial aspect of consumer decision-making.

  • Target Consumer: This goes beyond mere demographics. While "Women, 18 to 45" might be accurate, a more precise description like "Working Mothers, 18 to 45" or "Homemakers 18-45" could be more effective. Your advertising copy should be tailored to this specific group. It's essential to remember that you're addressing real people, so detailed descriptions of your target consumer are crucial.

  • Product Benefit(s): This highlights the features and benefits of the product itself. Cost and quality are the main factors when describing your product benefits. Remember, Price + Quality = Value!

  • Consumer Benefit(s): These benefits reflect how the product impacts the consumer's life. It could make their life or tasks easier, faster, or more desirable. It's about convincing the consumer of your product's unique advantages for them. Note: Use either Product Benefits or Consumer Benefits, not both.

  • Support: This involves providing evidence to back up your claims about your product. It's also the reason you provide the product and consumer benefits you're claiming. Many advertising strategies fail because they lack sufficient support for their product and consumer benefits.

  • Product Wishes: This should describe an "almost instant" gratification, effect, or good feeling that your product will offer. It's short, direct, and to the point. An example would be "Get our product and be the King of Your Castle".

  • Product History: This refers to the "heritage" of the product. If your product has been around for a long time, explain why. If it's new, describe its predecessors and how it evolved. Note: Use either "Product History" or "Product Wishes", but not both, and do not confuse "Product Wishes" with "Product Benefit(s)".

  • Miscellaneous: If it doesn't fit into any of the categories above, put it here! This could include ideas, thoughts, or just about anything else!

After understanding these components, create a list of these headings and focus on one subject at a time. This process requires deep thought and should not be rushed. Over a week, jot down any thoughts about your product on your theme sheet. After a week, review your list, select the best ideas, and begin crafting your advertising campaign. Keep the list for future reference and additions.

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