Hazcom is Updating to GHS

Feb 5


Leighanna Cumbie

Leighanna Cumbie

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Hazard Communication is updating to include the Globally Harmonized Standard (GHS) in the United States. Many countries have already adopted the GHS program, which streamlines the process of shipping hazardous chemicals across borders to increase efficiency in the global economy of today. A chemical in one country will now have the same safety standards of another country to ease the process of shipping across the border. This saves time from relabeling or bringing the containers up to another country’s safety codes.


Hazard Communication is updating to include the Globally Harmonized Standard (GHS) in the United States.  Many countries have already adopted the GHS program,Hazcom is Updating to GHS Articles which streamlines the process of shipping hazardous chemicals across borders to increase efficiency in the global economy of today.  A chemical in one country will now have the same safety standards of another country to ease the process of shipping across the border.  This saves time from relabeling or bringing the containers up to another country’s safety codes.


The labeling of hazardous chemical containers under GHS have a similar look and way for chemicals to be classified and labeled.  The appearance of the labels has been unified so they are quickly identifiable by employees working with or around the chemicals.  The updated classification process ensures that the same chemical from different manufacturers is labeled in the same manner, to avoid confusion by the employees.  The prior standards allowed a variance from different manufacturers on the labeling.  The same chemical could be labeled ‘very flammable’ while a different manufacture would label the container ‘highly flammable’.  The small subtly could lead to the worker considering one more hazardous than the other.  The uniform labeling system alleviates any doubt and ensures a uniform label on the same chemicals, regardless of manufacturer.


The GHS has also revised Material Safety Data Sheets.  The new data sheets are Safety Data Sheets.  The new information sheets contain similar information, but contain a set format to ensure that information is presented in a uniform way across different chemicals or manufacturers.  This unifies the order of which the data is presented.  Employees may now become comfortable finding needed information in the same place regardless of the manufacturer.  The prior system required certain information to be present, but allowed for manufacturers to verify in the order the information was presented.


Click hereto contact a Certified Industrial Hygienist to work with your company on updating to GHS.  Certain deadlines must be met for the conversion by each company and the Certified Industrial Hygienist can be your company’s expert to ensure each deadline is met.  GHS will continue to evolve and change every few years to adapt to an evolving marketplace with new challenges for informing employees of the dangers they face while on the jobsite.  Your company needs a plan to evolve with the changes as they occur in real time to ensure compliance with OSHA standards.