How the Law of Attraction at Work Can Positively Affect Your Job and Finances

Feb 16


Madisen Harper

Madisen Harper

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Discover how the law of attraction at work can influence whether you keep your job or let it go. And learn how you can create abundance regardless of economic conditions.


Over the last few months I've heard nothing but doom and gloom when it comes to the economy,How the Law of Attraction at Work Can Positively Affect Your Job and Finances Articles jobs and finances. Yet when I ask those around me if they've been affected the response has been a resounding, "No". That's probably because I'm surrounded by people who actively practice the law of attraction at work. And even when challenges arise they easily see the lesson in it and know it's a case of 'this or something better' which allows them to see the positive in any situation.

Let's consider how the law of attraction affects two workplace scenarios: jobs and money.

>> "I'm going to lose my job"

I wasn't one of the those people that started work in the affluent 80's, by the time I entered the workforce words like 'retrenchment', 'outplacement' and 'downsizing' were commonplace. Yet no matter what the economic climate I always managed to find a job where I was mostly valued for my contribution, well paid and departed of my own accord.

My friends, on the other hand, were being retrenched all around me.

I later realized that they got what they focused on. They would say things like, "I'm really worried about my job", "I think my boss is out to get me and my job is on the line" and "I knew that was going to happen" when they finally did get the heave-ho.

Many parts of the world are experiencing a 'global financial crisis' (I cringe to even write the words as I don't believe they're true) more and more people are in fear of losing their jobs and many of them are probably uttering the above worrying statements.

In fact I overheard a comment on CNN the other day where the newscaster said, "Workers are waiting to lose their jobs."

I immediately felt irritated by the statement:

- If you're waiting to lose your job, then guess what, you probably will, simply because you're focusing on the 'losing' rather than the 'keeping' of your job, and

- I was exasperated by the constant doom and gloom of the news which perpetuates a lack mentality. I also felt they were irresponsible to put out such a statement which I doubt was based on research, just sensationalism.

** Jobs and the Law of Attraction **

Now I mentioned I always left a job of my own accord. That doesn't mean I left happily singing everyone's praises. There were times where situations became so unbearable I literally walked out the door as I refused to put up with the horrible circumstances any longer.

In those instances I was unhappy and dissatisfied with the job and instead of looking for a new position with the verve and excitement of escaping the current situation I became apathetic and approached my job search with the wrong energy.

In my mind I was 'forced' to leave due to unpalatable conditions, but in reality, it was a sign that it was time to move on and the circumstances were a catalyst to create that.

If you happen to lose your job it may be a sign that it was time to leave anyway. Your unconscious desire has manifested and although it may not have come about in the way you would have liked, you got the desired outcome nonetheless.

If you loved the job you lost then consider the possibility you were becoming complacent and it was time to move on to a new challenge.

That's what happened to my client Antonio. He was an engineer for a major construction firm and lost his job after being with the company for 18 years. He said, "I was devastated, I loved that job and the people I worked with." It was only after he found a new position that he realized the retrenchment was a blessing in disguise.

"I discovered that I had become set in my ways and when I started my new job it was exhilarating to come across new challenges. When I considered how I really felt about my previous position I realized that my happiness was actually complacency."

Antonio's new job provided diversity, more money and new experiences that challenged his mind.

So if you happen to lose your job, it's because it's meant to get 'lost' and it's time for new opportunities.

If you're happy to stay where you are, make sure your thoughts are focused on keeping your position and what you like about your job, and be sure to release any fear you may have of losing it.

>> "Money is tight, we'll never make budget."

I remember being told a story by a fellow consultant who went to a business breakfast and sat between two real estate agents. He was curious to know how the real estate business was going and asked each agent over breakfast.

The first agent said, "It's horrible, the mine has closed down and people are worried about money so they're not buying houses. I may go broke if things don't pick up soon."

He heard a very different story from the other real estate agent, "I've never been so busy. The mines have shut down and people finally have the time to look for new properties, so I'm buying and selling all over the place."

It's easy to make money when there are perceived 'good' financial times. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

The true sign of a positive business mind and savvy executive occurs in 'challenging' times.

Here's a perfect example of the law of attraction in action. It's a tale of two CEOs with very different attitudes.

The first CEO was focused on policy and potential legal situations and thought it was more important to have a lawyer on staff than a human resources manager. As a result, the company experienced one law suit after the other as people walked out the door.

Because she spent so much time covering her butt, her focus was on avoiding litigation and not on supporting her managers' business initiatives. In fact, they often lost hundreds of thousands of dollars as she drafted and re-drafted contracts with clients who eventually lost patience with the bureaucracy and took their business elsewhere.

Over two years the company continued to lose money but the CEO managed to 'hide' it from the Board of Directors by cutting costs and headcount. That's not making money, that's depleting resources. And cutting costs does not equal income generation.

After the third year the resources were depleted and the employees demotivated and there was no enthusiasm to look for ways to boost sales.

She jumped ship before she got fired and has now gone on to destroy another company with her lack mentality, no doubt blaming the economy on losing money in her final year.

The second CEO believes there are opportunities in every situation. He encourages his managers and their teams to seek and implement new initiatives.

No matter what the economic climate, the number of employees grew and grew to support the expanding company. People enjoyed working in a positive environment so turnover was low and had a negligible impact on the business.

If times started to get 'tough', he challenged himself and others to find solutions. In one instance, they adapted high price, luxury products and created a lower priced range which sold volumes and eventually generated the same income as the luxury line. They truly believed they were invincible...and they were.

** Budgets and the Law of Attraction **

The above is a perfect example of how leaders can affect their business through their focus and point of attraction.

The first CEO focused on litigation, lack of money and depleting innovation so naturally she attracted a situation where they were constantly being sued, the team became uninspired and the company lost money.

The other CEO didn't buy into circumstances; he believed and inspired his team to believe that abundance was everywhere. And the more they achieved, the more they reaped, because they truly thought that money did grow on trees!

If you think the economy or your client going broke or your products not being competitive are the factors impacting your ability to make money then you're right.

I've heard time after time, "Well you can 'pretend' everything is all positive and rosy, but the fact that the economy is stuffed in a *fact*."

If you truly understand the law of attraction the only fact there is, are your beliefs. If you believe your job, finances and the economy are in crisis, then they will be. If you believe all is right in your world and even a 'negative' is a lesson for opportunity or change, then that will be the case also. I think it was Henry Ford who said, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right."