How To Fix Low Ezine Newsletter Deliverability

Oct 10


Tracey Lawton

Tracey Lawton

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If you publish your ezine through one of the emailing list services then you will also be provided with tracking stats for each issue. Are you happy with the open rate, or does it seem exceptionally low for each issue?


If you publish your ezine through one of the emailing list services then you will also be provided with tracking stats for each issue.  Are you happy with the open rate,How To Fix Low Ezine Newsletter Deliverability Articles or does it seem exceptionally low for each issue?  Not only is it important that you publish your newsletter regularly, but equally important is that your subscribers receive it.   Is your list a double opt-in list?Do you send both a Text and HTML version of your newsletter? If you have answered NO to one or both of these questions you could be sabotaging your own newsletter efforts! Why do I need a double opt-in list? Double opt-in is the process whereby when someone signs up to receive your newsletter via your website they receive an email from your email list provider, which asks them to confirm their subscription by clicking on a link in the email.  Once they have clicked on this link they are then confirmed as a subscriber to your list. 

This process is known as double opt-in as: ::  they opt-in once via your newsletter sign up form on your website; and

::  they opt-in again by clicking the link on the email that they receive from your email list provider. It is very important that you have this process in place as it avoids a subscriber being signed up to your newsletter by a third party, and therefore reduces the number of spam reports that you are likely to get.  Your subscriber has had to confirm for a second time that they want to be on your mailing list. The downside to this is that your subscriber may not confirm their subscription, in which case you would lose the subscriber.  But if they really do want to receive information from you they will be on the lookout for your confirmation email.  And isn’t it better to have 100 subscribers who really do want to receive your information rather than 1,000 subscribers who aren’t that interested? Just recently I had a conversation with support at 1 Shopping Cart and asked them about their double opt-in process.  They told me that those lists that are set up as double opt-in lists are sent via a secure server that has been approved by the ISPs thereby resulting in a higher deliverability of your ezine.  Lists that are not set as double opt-in get sent out on a different server and could result in your ezine being blocked by the ISP.   So even if your subscriber has you on their white list (or friends list) if your list is not a double opt-in list they may not even receive your ezine as it could be blocked by their ISP. Check with your emailing list service as to their policies on double opt-in. Why do I need to send both Text and HTML versions of my newsletter? Again sending both versions of your newsletter ensures that it will get through to your subscriber.  Some subscribers have their email programs set up to only receive text emails, and if you only offer a HTML version of your ezine they are not going to be able to read it. Conclusion: To fix low newsletter deliverability there are two things you can do right away: 1.       Ensure your list is set to double opt-in.

2.       Send out both Text and HTML versions of your ezine. 

(c) 2007 Tracey Lawton