How to Make Mega Millions

Mar 2


Misti Burmeister

Misti Burmeister

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People from all generations want to feel a sense of financial security, especially during a recession. While the vast majority of people are running a...


People from all generations want to feel a sense of financial security,How to Make Mega Millions Articles especially during a recession. While the vast majority of people are running around looking for ways to make money quick, the one’s who create a plan and work their plan end up the most successful.

Two of my favorite quotes by Zig Ziglar…

“If you want great friends, go out and be a great friend.”

“You can have anything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

The following are three proven strategies for making mega millions, regardless of generation:

  1. Clarity. What do you want to give/do in order to attain your zillions? Do you want one-hundred and fifty fully paid speaking engagements? How about three websites that produce over a million dollars each? Perhaps it’s both. Or, perhaps you want to work a full-time job, live well below your means and find additional avenues of revenue. Your first step is to get clear about what want and what you’re willing to give in order to receive it.
  2. Generosity. Look for ways to help those around you. When you hear your friends/family/colleagues reaching out for help, ask them how you can be of support to them.
  3. Choose Abundance. While everyone around you might be saying “the sky is falling,” you choose to focus on your goals, committed to helping others and keeping an abundant mindset. There truly is plenty – it all begins with the way you think.
  4. Bonus: Have fun!  If you too busy worrying, you can’t live fully. Life is too short…LIVE it!

This is such an awesome conversation to be in – I welcome you to share thoughts, ideas, and strategies on my blog. How are you reaching your millions?

Rock on!

Misti Burmeister

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