Keep Your Momentum Moving Forward Toward Success with Mediation

Aug 13


Weston Lyon

Weston Lyon

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To become successful, you MUST have momentum behind you. While there are many strategies to build momentum, this strategy is a MUST-KNOW strategy that will move you forward toward your own success.


Copyright (c) 2008 Weston Lyon

To become successful,Keep Your Momentum Moving Forward Toward Success with Mediation Articles you MUST have momentum behind you. While there are many strategies to build momentum, here is another MUST-KNOW strategy to move you forward toward your own success:

2. Meditate

Some of you may think I've gone completely off my rocker here. After all, how can sitting down trying to be at peace with the world (most people's definition of meditation) move you toward your goals and dreams?

I asked the exact same question years ago. And you know what I found out? Nothing!

Because I did nothing. I didn't believe meditation could help me create and sustain momentum in m life so I never tried it.

As Julia Roberts, in Pretty Woman, said to the salesgirl who didn't service her, "Big mistake. BIG, HUGE!"

You see, it's only been in the past 12 months that I've started meditating on a daily basis. And in that time frame, my business has doubled and my productivity has quintupled.

Has it all been from meditation? Probably not. BUT, one, why mess with a good thing; and two, meditation has brought me to a place in my life where my work just flows.

Things get done fast and without effort. Projects materialize in days or weeks instead of months or years. Life is all around just easier.

That's what I want for you. So, here's a meditation to get you started down the path of being more productivity, making more money, living an easier life, or whatever else you want:

a. Sit down in a quiet place and turn off ALL phones, cell phones, crackberries, or anything else that goes buzz, beep, or sings songs.

b. Take 5 deep breathes from your diaphragm. This will help you clear your mind.

c. Now, as you continue to breathe deeply, let your mind wander.

Don't think of anything in particular...just let go and allow thoughts to flow in and out of your mind without trying to grab any of them

If you catch a thought by accident and start focusing on it, relax and just let it go when you catch yourself doing this.

d. Congratulations! You just meditated. Nothing to it, huh?

Okay, so what makes this so special?

One, you're learning to relax. And in today's fast-paced, all-go-no-stop world, you need to relax.

Two, you're teaching your mind to stir up creative juices when you're relaxed. The more creative juices flowing, the more you can get down in a shorter period of time (most people take time to think about what they want to do instead of just letting it flow).

And're not just meditating to meditate. By you learning to meditate, you can realize answers to questions that have been eluding you for hours, days, and even weeks.

You see, your subconscious mind works better when you're relaxed and NOT thinking. Let your subconscious mind do its thing and you'll reap the benefits with huge amounts of momentum!
