Some facts shared about Questnet

Sep 10




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If you have come across the term multi-level-marketing, then you surely must have come across the MLM firm Quesntnet.


This company works on the multi-level-marketing model. It is a global direct selling firm that relies on the strength of network marketing along with ecommerce business model. One of the strengths of the company is a vast product portfolio ranging from personal accessories and luxury products.  It also has a wide network of customers spread across the country as well as internationally. Apart from offering various products,Some facts shared about Questnet Articles the company also gives an opportunity to its customers to set up their business model without having to take care of overhead expense as well as storefront and inventory costs. Many customers have used this business opportunity and are spreading the Questnet network in smaller towns and cities. Apart from retail, the company also provides IT knowledge and business tools and equipment for their Independent Representatives who then are in a better position to operate their ventures. Independent Representatives working for Questnet have the flexibility of choosing the type of operation which can be either part time or full time. This company was launched in the year 2001 with a mission to change the lives of people across the world, for better. With a well-planned, proven business strategy and business model, Questnet has spread its wings in different regions. The motto of the company is Raise Yourself to Help Mankind. In India, the registered office is in Chennai.


It has a vast network of distributors who distribute an array of high end products through their industry- oriented online marketing services. Questnet is an ISO-9001:2000 certified company. The company functions of a pyramid business model much like any other multi-level-marketing company. The company has had its share of problems in the form of poor delivery schedules, unpaid dues to networkers and founders quitting the business model once they have achieved enough money through the business model. The principles and core values of the company are mentioned clearly on their website. According to the firm site, all the business dealings are public and the company follows a strict code of ethics to ensure no malpractices occur.


The Indian branch of the company, Questnet India is supported by the questnet Advisory Board. The advisory board comprises a highly skilled and qualified team of direct selling professionals apart from legal experts who provide relevant and essential advice as well as marketing strategies and guidelines to the Independent Representatives of the company. The company has had its share of negative rumors questioning the sustainability of the business model. Many times, it was wrongly linked with misunderstandings due to lack of proper legal framework. However, the company is working hard on its image and trying to make its operations as transparent as they can.


When it comes to products offered by Questnet, many consumers have been much satisfied with the offerings. The range of collectibles, lifestyle and luxury products is vast and gives plethora of choices to the buyer.