Strengthen Your Online Presence NOW!

Apr 12


Josh Lee

Josh Lee

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If you know how to channel its power, the Internet can be a powerful tool for increasing the potential of your business. Through the Internet, you can compete with any store of any size and show the world your products or services. On the other hand, one can’t just create a website and expect it to generate online attention. Strategic Internet marketing is required. Let’s look at five strategic techniques that can help increase your online presence.


Utilize RSS Feeds
RSS feeds allow users to automatically receive updates from their favorite websites. If a user subscribes to a website,Strengthen Your Online Presence NOW! Articles he or she has no need to check the website for updates; they will be informed automatically. Some companies add a RSS feed button on their website allowing viewers to click and receive ongoing feeds related to site updates, new products or services, or recent news feeds. This functions encourages customers to remember and return to your website regularly. RSS feeds are easier for customers to accept because it doesn’t require the user to submit an email address, phone number, or other type of personal information. It’s also very easy for customers to unsubscribe from the the website. It’s as easy as clicking one button.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of increasing the visibility of your website on a search engine. This is actually a free method of increasing traffic to your site. However, considering the vast number of websites and web pages online, it can be a challenge to get your website placed among the top 10 search results (the goal of every serious SEO expert). There are many strategic SEO methods available:

  • Improving the quality of links in your website can increase the ranking of your website, thus increasing your website’s chances of being prioritized. 
  • Google uses a page ranking system that regulates how web pages are ranked. Higher ranking web pages have higher chances of being placed in the top ten search results. If there are links in a website that contains low quality links, it actually damages your page ranking. Many companies don’t know that internal links (such as contact pages) decrease their web page ranking and damages your website’s overall search engine visibility. Google contains information how you can adjust the script of your website so various weaker links will not be rated. 
  • Make the keywords in your website more specific. Try to avoid keywords that are vague. Vague keywords will have many search results and your website will get lost in a sea of similar websites with the same keywords.

Pay-Per-Click & Other Paid Ads
Although there are many free options for increasing your presence online, some companies prefer paid advertising options because it gives them more control. Many small companies (including Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft) offer pay-per-click and sponsored link opportunities for paying users. Pay-per-click is a type of Internet advertising where the advertiser pays a fee to the search engine or host website each time the link is clicked. This is usually a temporary advertising method, but it can be effective as it encourages the host site to prioritize your link on their page. If your company is paying for a PPC advertisement, you must assure you have an excellent and interesting landing site.

Link Exchange Networking
Many businesses are now connecting together and participating in something called “link exchange networking”. In this online networking method, your company would post another company’s link on your website. In exchange, the other company will post your company’s link on their website. This method is obviously most effective when businesses are connecting with businesses in similar industries; in this way, you are appealing to the same target market.

Increase The Number of your Web Pages
Another common SEO strategy is to increase the number of quality web pages on your site. If you have a greater number of pages, you also increase the content/products/information available to users. This broadens your range of customers and creates more opportunities for your website. However, make sure the web pages you add are high quality. Displaying pages and content that is low quality will hurt your SEO ranking more than it will help.