Ten Fun Ways to Liven up Any Presentation

Jun 29


Sandra Schrift

Sandra Schrift

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TITLE: Ten Fun Ways to Liven up Any Presentation
AUTHOR: Sandra Schrift
CONTACT: sandra@schrift.com
COPYRIGHT: ©2004 by Sandra Schrift. All rights reserved


Ten Fun Ways to Liven up Any Presentation

Most of us would agree that having humor in our lives
increases rapport, strengthens our relationships and
overcomes communication barriers. People who work in a
positive, often playful environment are more likely to stay.
Productivity and creativity increase while stress is
reduced. We just feel better after a good laugh. Think

1. Open with a humorous story. . I remember the time the
lights when out and I fell off the stage. I wasn’t hurt and
quickly said, Now I will take questions from the floor. I’m
at my best when taking questions in the dark. Before you can
be funny, you must learn to see funny. Find the humor around
you, in your life every day. The lady who takes an aisle
seat rather tan sit next to the window . . . doesn’t want to
mess up her hair. Practice telling the story out loud, and
cut out any parts that aren't crucial. As Shakespeare so
wisely said, "Brevity is the soul of wit."

2. Use props (candy bars, hats, funny faces, etc.) Props can
be used as a metaphor or an analogy for a point you are
introducing. They get your creative juices working while
providing an anchor for your audience to focus on.

3. Cartoons use your own or others a picture saves a 1000
words. Put cartoons on an overhead or use as part of a
PowerPoint presentation.

4. Humor - should be relevant to your topic. Tom Peters
said, I deeply believe in humor; not in jokes. Humor is
spectacular. Humor relieves anxiety and tension, serves as
outlet for hostility and anger, and provides a healthy
escape from reality. It lightens heaviness related to
critical illness, trauma, disfigurement, and death. It comes
as no surprise that many people are utilizing humor to deal
with the trying times. But is the humor timely? Is it

Do not use ethnic, racist, political or religious jokes.
Include a joke that helps bring back the attention of the
audience or as a way to lighten up your remarks. We all can
use a good laugh from a well timed, funny joke.

5. Self effacing humor- it is better to admit you made a
mistake than to admit that you are one. One of my lines as
a mother of five is: For someone who isn’t Catholic, I sure
did my share for the pope!
Phyllis Diller is in the Guinness Book of World Records as
having the most laughs per minute.
A laugh is measured by:

5 points if everyone is laughing and applauding
4 points if everyone is laughing and there's a smattering
of applause
3 points if everyone laughs but there's no applause
2 points if some people are laughing
1 point for a titter or giggle

6.Mime- Marcel Marceau makes us laugh and moves us. Charlie
Chaplin was an all time great without using the spoken

7.Move Your Body Try lifting your nose, look off to the
side, jut out the bottom of your jaw, and notice how you
become arrogant or aloof, Take a wide stance, shift your
hips forward, and now you’ve just gained 50 pounds.
The use of body movements will help to visually enhance your

8.Repetitive oral recitation- (repeat after me, Remember, if
you can see funny, you can be funny. Repeat a particular
sentence throughout your presentation to encourage audience

9. Use taped music for a stretch break. Get the audience to
sing a funny song. Pass out words to a song. Lighten up
your attendees have some fun and your audience retention
will increase. Don’t be afraid to be theatrical or silly.
It’s why we pay actors the big bucks; and your audiences
won’t forget you. Be outrageous. It’s the only place that
isn’t crowded.

10. Group exercise a fun way to conclude your presentation
is to use a group exercise. Use the football huddle to get
the group to repeat a cheer or an affirmation to take some

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on June 30, 2004 from 8-9 p.m. (EST)
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