The benefits of Productivity Scorecard

Nov 2


Sam Miller

Sam Miller

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Use Productivity Scorecard for Aligning Business Strategy and Performance Objectives


In today's ever changing economy,The benefits of Productivity Scorecard Articles it is important for a business to meet its financial and customer expectations. It is essential that the leadership develops a growth strategy and realize the same by implementing effective performance measurement system and communication. And, that takes a lot of effort and planning. Each and every unit of a business contributes in its own way towards the overall success or failure of a business. Hence it then becomes inevitable and essential that the management fully understand the importance of its individual units.

Employee is one precious unit whose contribution can either be an asset to the organization or a liability. To estimate the contribution an organization's employees helps decide their contribution towards the growth of an organization.

How it works? By implementing a performance measurement system (such as a balanced scorecard) an organization can assess performance, monitor performance, course-correct performance and align its employees with its objectives. Hence irrespective of the employee, methods have been devised to review growth, determine the required improvement and make necessary changes.

Balanced scorecard is a productivity measurement system or a productivity scorecard which allows organizations to define their vision and strategy and take appropriate actions. It returns feedback on processes and their outcomes to advance performance and results.

In our attempt to understand the components of this productivity scorecard called the balanced scorecard approach, let us first understand what our operating plan should be. Operations plan should clearly state the strategy, priorities, areas of responsibility, and critical success factors towards key measurable factors or indicators. It is also important to plan the strategy, deliverables, performance indicators and organization. Key plan components include: Operating plan strategy to understand why the targets will be met; deliverables to know the performance measurement targets, Performance indicators to show how to meet targets; organization to understand who is accountable for targets.

The key components. From an integrated view, key operating productivity scorecard should at least include: customer satisfaction, cost of access; measure of trouble tickets; revenue plan execution; information management; and customer delivery process.

Implementing balanced productivity scorecard requires obtaining a consensus on deliverables, strategy, performance indicators and organization design which aligns with the business process. Output of a balanced productivity scorecard yields an operating plan that enable decision makers and employees to clearly understand their level of responsibility for delivering products and services. Measurement should be impartial and ensure reliable quantifiable results and meet the goals of the organization because you can't effectively improve what you can't measure effectively.

The balanced productivity scorecard has covers many measurement perspectives where the original scorecard contains financial, customer, internal business and innovation and learning perspectives. Balanced scorecards are an output from the strategy formulating process. The critical goals which are identified can also be considered. The balanced productivity scorecard is a system that combines financial and non-financial metrics of performance on a single scorecard.

The success of this approach owes to the fact that is a comprehensive tool that helps understand the target customers, their requirements, and the performance gaps. It provides logic to focus on creating intellectual capital which was difficult to do under the traditional financial performance systems. The balanced scorecard is able to define the growth strategy with business .It also enables employees to understand strategy and link its objectives to their day-to-day operations.