The most overlooked Technique to know your Prospects

Jul 5


Abe Cherian

Abe Cherian

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Your hottest prospect is someone that has just bought from you. This is your best opportunity for another immediate sell....


Your hottest prospect is someone that has just bought fromyou. This is your best opportunity for another immediatesell. The key to successfully doing this is having productsthat offer solutions to problems that your prospects have.Related problems and solutions to those problems meanincreased opportunity for sales.

How simple it would be for the cashiers at the localdiscount store to suggest another product that may helpsolve the customer's problem. All they have to do is noticehow the products that the customer is currently buying arerelated,The most overlooked Technique to know your Prospects Articles and be knowledgeable enough about what the storehas to offer to be able to suggest another product thatcould help solve the customer's problem.

The buyer that just bought from you offers a primeopportunity to sell again. Your products must be good,however, and you must prove to him that your "back-end"product will also help solve his problem.

Again, I am talking about knowing your prospects' wants anddesires. Your job isn't over once you've sold your customerhis first product. You and your employees should constantlybe striving to find out what problems your prospects haveand then proposing the appropriate solutions to thoseproblems.

If you are focusing on what your customer wants and areoffering them a solution to a related problem, they willnot be resistant to you as you try to "up-sell" them. Theywill be grateful for your desire to help solve his problems.

Just remember- your customers are never hotter than whenthey first buy. Immediately acknowledge their firstpurchase and tell them how appreciative you are. Then,offer them something else so they'll have the chance tosolve more of their problems and to spend even more moneywith you!

You should look for logical product or service extensionsto offer your customers. Using the backend will turnone-shot sales into repeat customers. Ironically, mostbusinesses rarely try to sell their current or previouscustomers anything again. You should do it constantly.

Most businesses almost make it difficult for a prospect orcustomer to buy from them. Most businesses do business from9 to 5. This is a mistake.

You must be prepared to do business when the prospect isready to do business. With the technologies that are nowavailable, especially with the Internet, there's no excusefor a business not to have a 24-hour phone service center.Even a simple answering machine can work wonders ifutilized as a marketing tool.

You must be fanatical about servicing your customers andhaving a positive impact on your prospects. You must focuson their needs consistently. Think of how you want to betreated when you do business with someone.

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