Top Three Books for Entrepreneurship

Feb 4


Kevin Devoto

Kevin Devoto

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The top three books on show to become and succeed at entrepreneurship.


Becoming an entrepreneur is much tougher than most people believe. First,Top Three Books for Entrepreneurship Articles what you need is confidence in yourself. Secondly, you also need to be at least a little calculating and have a feasibility plan in place. You also need to realize that not every endeavor is going to see the light of day. In fact, if you read interviews with enough entrepreneurs, many of them will tell you that they tried to get started many times before they succeeded. In fact, one of the many reasons that they do succeed is because, instead of letting themselves get discouraged, they simply learn from their failures and apply it to every other endeavor afterward. Fortunately, you don’t need to start on your path completely from scratch. There are now several books on the market that can assist you in understanding everything from pay stub abbreviations to the kind of thinking that you need to adapt to succeed.


The Four-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris


If you think that plunging into entrepreneurship is absolutely right for you, The Four-Hour Work Week is essential. In the current economy of inflation, people often think that they need to work at least one full-time or several part-time jobs and try to set up their businesses simultaneously. However, this approach does not work for everyone as some people do best when they’re allowed to concentrate on only one to a few things at a time. If you are that kind of person, The Four-Hour Work Week is perfect for you because it shows you how to create an income generator using only your own inspiration and starting out by devoting only four hours a week.


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


First published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill remains one of the most popular bookson the entrepreneurship market. It was one of the first books that showed people how to change their mindsets in order to become successful as entrepreneurs. Even today, Hill’s theories are repackaged millions of times over in blogs, vlogs, and other books. Hill was one of the first to point out, for e-example, that desire is not the same thing as just wishing or dreaming. Rather, it’s about being solidified in what you want and going after it. He was also perhaps one of the first to define faith as having confidence in yourself that borders on almost religiosity but being careful not to quite tow the line of grandiosity.


  The $100 StartUp by Chris Guillebeau


The $100 StartUp is very fitting for the times because it shows how you can just turn your passion into an income with the right mindset. Guillebeau demonstrates this not only by telling his own story but also tells about over 1,000 who built their businesses and succeeded on less than $100. Many of them are now earning incomes of $50,000 or more. What’s even more interesting is that most of them didn’t have any special skills as much as they found ways to monetize on something that they were passionate about. This book shows that you don’t need an MBA or even any previous experience in running a business to get started. All you need is a product or service, a transparent plan for a target market, and a plan for making your profit work for you and your business.


The Takeaway 


You don’t need to have much to start with to be a successful entrepreneur. All you need is an idea, a plan and a plan for working your profits. You also need a lot of self-confidence and transparency. You also need to have enough confidence to work through your failures instead of letting yourself get discouraged by them.