What A Business Can Do To Your Health

Nov 21


Cash Miller

Cash Miller

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One day I came to a realization. My health had gone down the tubes. And I had nobody to blame except myself. I had become so focused on my business that I had forgotten to take care of myself. If your career comes before everything else then what happened to me could happen to you as well.


It is often an unfortunate consequence of business that doing something you may love to do can take a real toll on your health. I for one can relate to the experience as I looked at myself in the mirror and finally came to realize the price I was paying. Like a lot of people I've always struggled with my weight and the need to stay fit.

Growing up I had always remained fairly active. For as long as I can remember I've been a sports fan and consequently have played different organized and unorganized sports such as basketball,What A Business Can Do To Your Health Articles baseball, and football. During a three year stint that I spent in the Army during my early twenties staying in shape was never a problem. So in many ways as I looked in the mirror I was surprised at my appearance and in many ways I was not. For the simple fact that I had chosen to ignore the obvious. I had let my own health go down the drain.

My weight had ballooned from a fairly healthy 240 pounds at least for me to a very unhealthy 310 pounds. On top of carrying the extra weight I had also developed high blood pressure as well. My stress levels were through the roof. I had trouble sleeping and basically felt like crap most every day. And to top it off I knew that my family had a history of heart attacks. Especially early in life. While I was so busy running my business I hadn't paid much attention to the fact that I was ruining my health at the same time.

My life had turned into a never ending series of meetings and problems that had to be dealt with. I arrived early and stayed late each day. I worked most every Saturday and half of Sunday. Lunch was usually picked up at a fast food joint as it was the quickest way to get a bite to eat and many times dinner was the same way. I was always on the go and never had a chance to slow down.

Then one day a miracle happened. My son Cole was born into the world. But of course I was back at work the very next day. It actually took me a few weeks to finally come to my senses. One day I sat down and came to a realization. If I kept doing what I was doing then one day I was going to be the family's next heart attack victim. And if that happened then I would not be able to see my son grow up.

I had always known that I would follow in my father's footsteps. He loved the world of business and so do I. We both have always cherished the independence we have had by being business owners. But he was only 34 when he had his first heart attack. I was now 32 and well on my way to my first heart attack as well. His second came at the age of 54 and killed him. I am determined that I will not follow in those particular footsteps any longer. What followed in my life included many changes for the better. Needless to say it took a healthy diet and countless hours in the gym over many months to get my weight back down into the 240's. My blood pressure is back where it belongs and I get to see my son learn new things each and every day.

Whether you are a business owner or a member of the workforce it's important to think about yourself at all times. Your health should not be sacrificed for your career. Life is already too short and all the money in the world is not going with you to the afterlife. There are times that people become so consumed with what they are doing that they forget these things. I know that I did. Hopefully you won't as well.

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