What Do Successful Women in Small Business Have in Common?

Jan 14


Carla Jiroux Kaplan

Carla Jiroux Kaplan

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Most women could count the number of successful women in small business that they know on one hand. That is unfortunate, since over half of all small businesses in this country are owned by women. The reason for this is primarily because most women operate in the background, or they actually run their own businesses out of their home. Especially now that the internet is so prevalent, the number of online businesses run by women is incredibly high.

There are many similarities between many women in small business,What Do Successful Women in Small Business Have in Common? Articles one of which is that they are exceptionally hard workers. The average woman who runs their own business is also a mother, and that requirement of working dual roles is something that most men business owners never have to deal with.

In addition, women in small business usually have a built-in set of potential clients, customers, and cheerleaders who can all work to help them build their business. These people, some of whom they may have known all their lives, may think they are a little crazy when they first talk about setting up their business, but they are also there to stand by their side when the time comes to launch it.

Finally, one personality trait that almost all successful women business owners have is that they are able to constantly evaluate their business model, their performance, and their progress and not worry about making changes if it doesn't look like they are succeeding. Instead of pursuing a dead end, they don't have the pride that many men do in continuing to charge ahead. Women don't mind changing their mind, trying something new or better, or even changing tracks altogether. Being able to adapt, especially in a market like the one we are seeing right now, is a key element to success.