Why Manufacturing Companies need Instrument Calibration?

Aug 19


Lewis Corrol

Lewis Corrol

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The main objective of instrument calibration is to ensure the proper functioning of the measuring and manufacturing instruments. Generally the instrument calibration is done in a manufacturing plant as a part of regular maintenance schedule.

No one can deny the importance of instrument calibration in any manufacturing industry. The base of any successful product lies in perfect calibration. The instrument calibration cannot be considered as simply a part of the manufacturing process. Instrument calibration is carried out right from the design stages of the product itself. The design instruments such as drafting tools should be calibrated properly to create finest designs that result into enhanced productivity as well as wastage reduction. The purpose of this article is to explain the need for instrument calibration.There are various instruments used in a manufacturing process such as calipers,Why Manufacturing Companies need Instrument Calibration? Articles oscilloscopes, etc that have standard points which will be used as reference points. A slight deviation in these standard points means a complete failure of the final product. This is where instrument calibration gains its value. It makes sure that standard points remain in their accurate position.  It is done through a series of tests which consume long hours and so usually the instrument calibration is done once in six months when the manufacturing unit will be shut down. Another main purpose of instrument calibration is to ensure smooth work flow. As all the instruments will be tested and certified for proper functionality, you don’t have to worry about the project getting stopped in the midway. Therefore, perfect instrument calibration results in continual work flow.Moreover, instrument calibration is legally mandatory for any manufacturing plant. Although the small units are exempted from this regulation, calibrating the instruments will help in getting certification such as ISO. Finally, it helps in optimized work flow of the entire operations and at affordable costs too. The move to Maidstone, Kent in 2006 presented the opportunity to create brand new instrument calibration services and pile instrumentation for Slope Indicator Inclinometers and EL electrolevel sensors.  It is our recommendation to calibrate these instruments once per year.