15 Tips for Writing an Online Bio

Mar 4


Beverly Harvey

Beverly Harvey

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This article will give you 15 tips on writing your online bio.


Numerous studies and reports confirm that online networking via social media sites is beneficial in helping executives land positions. The new online technologies provide a new strategy for recruiters and executive search consultants to connect and keep in touch. Some of the more heavily trafficked ones include:

LinkedIn.com,15 Tips for Writing an Online Bio Articles Twitter.com and Ziggs.com are networking sites that have created an area specifically for career networking, job postings, and job searches.

Netshare.com, ExecuNet.com, TheLadders.com and RiteSite.com are membership-driven career sites that offer member-to-member networking opportunities.

Zoominfo.com is a database that recruiters also use when searching for executive candidates. If you don’t find yourself included in this database, be sure to add yourself.

When you create accounts for these sites, it’s crucial that you pay attention to the bio and profile information that you supply. This information is visible for almost everyone to see. Some of these sites give limited access to those that are not logged in to protect your privacy, while others give full access no matter the status. You’ll want to check your preferences or settings.

You’ll find two types of bio formats with these sites. One type allows you to post a narrative bio with a maximum number of characters. The other type provides headings and sections where you post all of the information from your resume.

Here are some suggestions for you to review and use when you create your bio.

1. Review each site to gain an understanding of the demographics and culture of the members. This will help you decide how much information to provide. Facebook and Twitter are more conversational sites where as LinkedIn is more of a resume-posting type site. This will require an adjustment to your writing style.
2.  First person/third person: On the more professional sites that are geared for job search and professional networking, you’ll find a mixture of first-person and third-person profiles. I recommend writing in first person. On the more conversational sites, you’ll definitely want to write your profile in first-person.
3. Consistent use of your name:  Always use the same name so you don’t confuse employers and recruiters that are conducting a job search. The name you use on your resume should match what you use online.
4. Reverse chronological order:  List your most recent experience at the beginning of your profile and progress to earlier experience.
5. Writing style:  This is your “first impression” when it comes to recruiters or potential employers. If the option is available, create a powerful headline or tag line that captures the reader's attention and compels the reader to want to know more about you. Your profile summary should be an "executive snapshot" with basic information regarding type of experience, industry focus, types of companies, global cultural familiarity, languages, and other areas of expertise.
6. Value Proposition:  Explain your experience when it comes to solving problems and include examples of how you will deliver value to the bottom line for the employer.
7. Expertise:  Be specific about your expertise versus positioning yourself as a generalist. Most companies are looking for professionals with deeply niched expertise. They are looking for the "perfect fit."
8. Executive brand:  Write about what differentiates you from your peers. Include your innate talents and what you are renowned for. Your brand must communicate an authentic and unique promise of value.
9. Complete your profile:  Facebook, LinkedIn and other sites offer a percentage complete gauge on your profile page. This is to encourage you to complete your profile so you’ll reap maximum rewards. According to LinkedIn, users are 40 times more likely to find opportunities and connections when their profile is complete.
10. Dates and accuracy:  Accuracy is crucial when it comes to your profile. Your reputation is on the line and you can damage it with incorrect or inconsistent information.
11. Keywords:  Increasing numbers of recruiters are using networking sites to find potential candidates. Make sure your bio includes keywords and phrases appropriate for your target position.
12. Spelling & Grammar:  Check and double-check your spelling and grammar. Misspelled words will eliminate you from the recruiters search. For example, if a recruiter is using the search term “manufacturing” and you spell it wrong, your bio will not display in his search results.
13. Public record:  Remember that all information published on the Internet is public knowledge. Don’t place anything out there that you wouldn’t want your current or future employer to know about.
14. Tracking:  Keep a log of the sites where you have posted a bio or other information. Include dates, login information and passwords.
15. Updating:  Be sure to update your bio on an ongoing basis. Keeping your bio up-to-date is important even when you’re not in an active job search. An outdated bio could cause you to lose a potential interview or opportunity.

© Copyright 2010 - Beverly Harvey

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