Next to your name, what you use to introduce yourself

Oct 7




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Corporate employees take pride, pomp and pleasure in introducing their 'self' to others as MD or CEO ect. the question to be asked by them is that are they....


Have you ever understood the true meaning of identity crisis?  Everyone loves to introduce themselves to be as General Manager or Vice President or President or Officer etc.  There are plenty of designations one can find in corporate like Officers,Next to your name, what you use to introduce yourself  Articles Executives, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager, Deputy General Manager and General Manager etc. 

What these designations offer to people?  It gives them an identity or tag to introduce to others.  The pleasure, the pomp and the pride one always derives from such designation tag is very difficult to define or describe.  Is the designation or tag always meant only for others?  How does one identify the self or relate the tag to the very self?

Does one identify the self also as General Manager or CEO (Chief Executive Officer) or MD (Managing Director)? If so will they also create such business preposition or equations in real life?  Is the real life is simply meant only for business or just for introducing to others? 

If they don’t do so, then what do they discover out of their own identity?  What are they then? How they could lead two different identities in same life?  Nearly about 8-10 hrs one may be under the mask or tag of their profession per day in life and later only there is a likelihood of removing such official mask.  Even during all the social events also people love to identify or promote only their official tag to others. 

Next to the name, most corporate people use only their official tag to display what they are to others.  Their life, its meaning and identity are totally immersed into their very designation.  The interesting facet is that although they use for example the identity of a GM for a while, they do not mind loosing the same identity if a new tag of VP (Vice President) or CEO is possible. 

The interesting paradox is that just for a better identity exposure or leverage; they do not mind leaving one identity tag to wear another.  The question is not about what tag they use to identify themselves to others, can they live without such identity tag? 

When they constantly search something to use for the external world, what are they using to fill their inner vacancies?  How an inner space can be filled with something which is used for the external world.  Our inner self never identify or recognize or call us by our designation or tag such as CEO or MD.  Are we ever an MD or CEO to ourselves? 

Are we go on meeting the external world and keeping the inner world within us vacant, empty and barren?  Is how the world is going to recognize us alone matters? 

As long as your inner space is kept empty and vacuum, how many ever new tags you may find for you in life, you will have to remain empty.  When you realize one day that your identity tag is no more in existence, the inner vacuum may swallow you like a hurricane.

Create some identity tag for your ‘self’ to recognize you and only then you can find real joy and happiness in life.   

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