What Career Help Will Get You Into a Job Quickest?

Jan 12


Carla Jiroux Kaplan

Carla Jiroux Kaplan

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In today’s economy, it should come as no surprise to hear that if you have a job, you should keep it. There are far too many people out there looking for jobs and not nearly enough new jobs opening up.

So,What Career Help Will Get You Into a Job Quickest? Articles no matter how unhappy you are in your present career, you should probably stay put unless you have a surefire offer in the waiting. But, if your job has become intolerable or you find yourself unable to find a job, then getting career help can certainly assist you.

What Should You Do?

If you ask most people what the best way to get a job is, they will tell you that you should go online, brush up your resume, and start applying for any job that you see. Unfortunately, that is not only a terrible use of your time, but studies show that fewer than 10% of all jobs are actually found in that way. So, it is worth taking the time to find out how the other 90% of people get their jobs.

Learn About Networking

No matter what career field you are working in or you want to work in, there is a network of people out there that you need to get in touch with. Ideally, they should be as high up the ranks as possible, so that they may actually be in a position to offer you career help. But, even if you can only network with people who are ranked lower in their respective organizations, they can often put your name in for a job or at the very least they can let you know when openings are available.

Make Sure Your Network Is High Quality

Although most of us have a fairly extended network of “friends” on Facebook, the truth is that few of those people are in any kind of position to ever offer you a job. In fact, you may not have even met them in person or know their real name. So, that is why working with a networking tool like LinkedIn is the best way to get career help. Your network will be smaller, but it will be made up of people who can really help you to find the job that you are looking for. As long as your resume is up to date and you have a good online reputation, networking in this way is usually the best way to get the career help that you need.

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