CAD CAM Software And Fashion Designing

Apr 3


Ankur Sharma

Ankur Sharma

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Of the many industries that utilise CAD CAM software, the fashion industry is one of the most prolific ones, and the multi-utility of this application has worked wonders for this most glamorous domain.


Computer Aided Design is used during various stages in the apparel and textile industry,CAD CAM Software And Fashion Designing Articles and the usage can be classified into the following categories:

Design planning: CAD CAM software is used right from the planning stage, when the designers are conceptualising the kind of garments that would be manufactured in the upcoming season. A majority of the designing and range planning is done by the owners or senior management of the brand, since they are the ones who are the closest to the client, and understand the market in a better manner. Owing to their experience, they plan the kind of fabric, colours, prints, etc. That need to be featured in the upcoming collection, and use the software to see how the products will look like.

Sampling: Once the design house has finalised on the kind of designs the collection will feature, the sampling begins, and this is where CAD CAM software is most useful. Just like in a majority of other industries, using software to check how the finished sample would look like helps in removing the flaws before the actual product is made. This optimises the usage of time and money, and particularly helps in obviating fitting problems, which rank among the top issues in the fashion industry.

Mass production: Just like sampling, mass production is also a very critical stage, as even the slightest mistake can result in grave consequences. An unintended nip and tuck here and the entire product line can go for a toss. And this is precisely the reason CAD CAM software is so useful in this case, as it obviates the dependence on people to create the perfect products. Technology becomes a more reliable craftsperson, and results in better products without a substantial expenditure.

To sum it up, this software offers a world of benefits to the fashion industry, and this is precisely the reason why leading fashion houses are using it in their daily operations